I caught the back end of a programme on TV that said Ireland had invested £7 billion pounds into its road infrastructure recently, and now they are bust, and we are paying their £7 billion. So we are paying for their motorways? And the £7 billion is exactly equal to the amount of savings that the UK is expected to make in the first year?
Here it comes; I heard a conspiricy theory, that said that Asia is taking all the US$ by buying oil, then reselling as gold or some crazy idea, thus destabilising the US market, while holding oil prices, so people don't notice, and at the same time boosting their ever expanding economy, and, as this has been predicted, a new currency type is to be introduced, to replace the dollar. (As all oil worldwide is sold in dollars), thus wiping off the global debt.
I believe there are YouTube videos that give more info, but not gone into that, a conspiricy is a nice story, and most are probably half true, but not for me. (Guess who watched the film JFK again, on the anniversary?)
All I know about economics is this; You put a crate of lager on the conveyor at Asda, alongside some nappies, and don't have enough to pay for both, one must be rejected, you reject the nappies, a fellow shopper will chip up the money for the nappies. (I don't have a baby, they are for my Nan)...no, it's just a joke.