Is it any wonder kids minds are fecked?

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Not sure never had that conversation
He was married a good while back and has children

Pretty certain he / she is not gay ??
Heterosexuals who cross dress are not the same type of 'trans' that gay people are, on the whole. They are most likely autogynephillic.
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Dunno about all these long words

My take on it is they are all fruit cakes !!
This is my last post tonight as I wanna do something else. It matters because one type is considered a sexual fetish and the other type is considered to be caused by any of or more than one of the following; internalised homophobia, autism, histories of sexual/physical violence where they have been the victim, bullying, OCD, precocious puberty etc etc. The two are not the same.
Heterosexuals who cross dress are not the same type of 'trans' that gay people are, on the whole. They are most likely autogynephillic.

I would like to check I am following it.

Using the example above:

If Nigel cross dresses, is he what we used to call a transvestite?

And if Natasha cross dresses, is she an autogynephilic transsexual?
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You'd think so, but no groups escape it.

Some are more likely to have mental
Health issues

A proffesor Netley who runs some dept in the NHS on diversity (?) was talking about it last night on the radio 4 around about 8pm ish
Regardless of whether a presumption is wrong or right, it doesn't change your biological sex. No 'assigning sex' changes what was determined in the womb.
You are very confused

Assigned sex is a label that you're given at birth based on medical factors, including your hormones, chromosomes, and genitals

Transgender people consider themselves to be a different gender to their assigned sex
I believe gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
You are attempting a deliberate deception

Do you believe they are suffering mental illness because they are transgender?


Do you believe their mental illness is causing them to believe they are transgender?
You are very confused

Assigned sex is a label that you're given at birth based on medical factors, including your hormones, chromosomes, and genitals

Transgender people consider themselves to be a different gender to their assigned sex

From what I have been reading, this cuts to the very heart of the trans debate. The terminology is very confusing, with each side pushing their own set of meanings. I think I have now got my head around the basics.

I have always believed that there are only two sexes, XX and XY. That is biology. A tiny, tiny number of people have the wrong sex written on their birth certificates.

The term "assigned sex" is a label used by some medical professionals, but I can see that it just confuses things. Surely it should be "assigned gender"? If a transgender person has the correct sex written on their birth certificate, but considers themselves to be of the opposite gender, that does not mean they are the wrong sex. This is why the term "assigned sex" makes no sense to me.

Finally, a DSD is not the same as being transgender.
Or to illustrate my above post more concisely.

"Transgender people consider themselves to be a different gender to their assigned actual sex"

I'm not attacking you @Notch7

It just seemed a neat way to sum up all the confusing terminology.
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