Is it okay drying clothes in small space with window open?

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Not the best illustration of the length this goes. It would stretch the length of my bath .

No good for your jeans

I do have a radiator in there. But that'll prove expensive having that on all the time.

It's survived a really cold patch last winter. So hopefully it'll be OK.
The roof and the walls are all insulated
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My boiler is in what was the coal house (a cupboard under the stairs, accessed by a door on the driveway). No insulation, solid bricks walls and a wooden door with a gap underneath it.

Coldest recorded temp we had was something like -7 and all was fine. It generates heat when on and when not meeting demand for hot water/heating, periodically switches on as part of its front protection.
Is it okay to dry clothes in a small confined space with window open or will it still cause damp/condensation?
Fine provided you don’t see any signs of mould which would indicate lack of ventilation .
My boiler is in what was the coal house (a cupboard under the stairs, accessed by a door on the driveway). No insulation, solid bricks walls and a wooden door with a gap underneath it.

Coldest recorded temp we had was something like -7 and all was fine. It generates heat when on and when not meeting demand for hot water/heating, periodically switches on as part of its front protection.
Would it not have a frost stat?
That's pretty much what I meant. Newer boiler may have one built in . Lots of older boilers wont

Oh okay, I only worded it as I did because the frost thermostat was listed as a separate optional upgrade.
If you have a gap under your bathroom door, this is absolutely fine.

We dry our walking boots and jackets in the bathroom. Rather than have the fan running, we open the window and shut the door. I can feel the suction of air under the door as the moisture is pulled from the room. Don't get a spec of mould in there, and the room is 50% external solid brick.
OOI, what fan have you got and how big is your bathroom?
OOI, what fan have you got and how big is your bathroom?

I can't remember the specs, but I bought it from the aptly-named Extractor Fan World on the advice of somebody on this forum in 2017. It's an in-line fan with the vent centered in the middle of the room, which extracts a fairly high volume of water per minute (can't remember how it's measured but it was higher end). Our bathroom is ~7' wide by ~12' long.
Surely you mean air?...........

Yes air, but specifically the water within it!

Just looked this up and confusingly, vendors seem to measure extraction rates of air in litres per hour (litres typically being used to measure liquid) whereas air should be measured in metres cubed.
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