Is There a Worklessness Crisis?

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I am quite happy for you to say "some people on benefits are scroungers"
I am not happy for you to talk about " people on benefits are scroungers"
Deary deary deary me ...

That's all this merits.
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It is very relevant, though, for informing the wider debate and public perception. I think it is only logical that people will be more angry about those who do this if they believe they are living the life of riley.

Living the life of riley, or simply just getting by - They should be made to work, and contribute. It's neither fair, no reasonable, to expect those good people working, to support them in the life of ease.
Living the life of riley, or simply just getting by - They should be made to work, and contribute. It's neither fair, no reasonable, to expect those good people working, to support them in the life of ease.

I would imagine there are very few people who would support claimants playing the system in this way. What I was asking, though, was for those who play the system, would it make people more angry if the amount of benefit they received allowed them to live in nice warm house with plenty of food and money for eating out etc, rather than surviving on beans in a cold, damp bedsit.
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What I was asking, though, was for those who play the system, would it make people more angry if the amount of benefit they received allowed them to live in nice warm house with plenty of food and money for eating out etc, rather than surviving on beans in a cold, damp bedsit.

The genuine ones, need the best treatment - those playing the system should be on minimum, survival rations. Make it worth their while, to get a job and put the effort in.
I had an apprentice at work, for whatever reason he is no longer with us so I am need of either a new apprentice or an experienced electrical assembler.
Apparently the boss has tried but is struggling to find someone.

That said I have a 26yr old son that has been unable to find employment despite sending out multiple applications regularly.
Seemingly employers are very picky.
It is important to qualify statements like "people on benefits are scroungers"

because otherwise the false narrative leads us to believe everybody on benefits is a scrounger

I am quite happy for you to say "some people on benefits are scroungers"
I am not happy for you to talk about " people on benefits are scroungers"

****** so your saying people haven't the nouse to work out not all people on benifits are scroungers.
Just another example of notchy projecting, making a statement that is a needless one.
****** so your saying people haven't the nouse to work out not all people on benifits are scroungers.
Just another example of notchy projecting, making a statement that is a needless one.
Right wing idiots love to stereotype

When they talk about “benefit scroungers” they want to label everybody on benefits as scroungers.

I’m sorry that’s too complicated for you
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