Don't say I don't do anything for you
Span length & partial factors for loading
Span Factors for moments & forces Factors for deflection
(mm) gfd gfi gfw gdd gdi gdw
3100 1.40 1.60 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Load descriptions
Loads are applied normal to the major principal axis (x-axis) of the member.
Ref. Category Description
1 "Dead" "beam sw"
2 "Dead" "floor dead"
3 "Imposed" "floor live"
4 "Dead" "partition"
Loading data (unfactored)
Ref. Category Type Load Position Load Position
kN/m mm kN/m mm
1 "Dead" UDL 0.2 0 - 3100
2 "Dead" UDL 1.3 0 - 3100
3 "Imposed" UDL 3.8 0 - 3100
4 "Dead" UDL 1.1 0 - 3100
Analysis results - entire span
Ra Rb Fvy Mx Deflection: dEIx
kN (fac) kN (fac) kN (fac) kNm (fac) Sense kNm3 Direction
14.8 14.8 14.8 11.4 "Sagging"7.54 "Down"Unfactored support reactions
Support A; Dead load; -3.9 kN; Live load; -5.8 kN; Wind load; 0.0 kN;
Support B; Dead load; -3.9 kN; Live load; -5.8 kN; Wind load; 0.0 kN;
LTB segment results
Seg. xs xe LLT MLT MmLT2 MmLT3 MmLT4
mm mm mm kNm (fac) kNm (fac) kNm (fac) kNm (fac)
1 0 3100 3100 11.4 8.6 11.4 8.6
Member design checks for a simply-supported single-span beam to BS 5950 (with LTB)
Summary of results;
Material; Grade = "S275"; py = 275 N/mm2;
Section; "UB 152x89x16"; Classification; "Plastic";
Check; Load; Capacity; Notes; Result;
Deflection; dy_max = 4.4 mm; dlim = 8.6 mm; Span / 360 or 12.0 mm; Pass
Shear; Fvy = 14.8 kN; Pvy = 113.2 kN; Low shear; Pass;
Moment; Mx = 11.4 kNm; Mcx = 33.9 kNm; Low shear; Pass
LTB; MLT = 11.4 kNm; Mb / mLT
= 14.6 kNm; LE_LT = 4.0 m;
mLT = 0.93; Pass;
Masonry details
Masonry type; Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks
Compressive strength of unit; punit = 3.6 N/mm2
Mortar designation; iii
Least horizontal dimension of masonry units; lunit = 100 mm
Height of masonry units; hunit = 215 mm
Category of masonry units; Category II
Category of construction control ; Normal
Partial safety factor for material strength; gm = 3.5
Thickness of load bearing leaf; t = 100 mm
Effective thickness of masonry wall; tef = 100 mm
Height of masonry wall; h = 2400 mm
Effective height of masonry wall; hef = 2400 mm
Bearing details
Beam spanning in plane of wall
Width of bearing; B = 100 mm
Length of bearing; lb = 150 mm
Compressive strength from Table 2 BS5628

art 1 - autoclaved aerated concrete blocks
Mortar designation; Mortar = "iii"
Block compressive strength; punit = 3.6 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive strength (Table 2b); fkb = 1.70 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive strength (Table 2e); fke = 3.50 N/mm2
Height of solid block; hunit = 215.0 mm ;
Least horizontal dimension; lunit = 100.0 mm
Block ratio; ratio = hunit / lunit = 2.2
Ratio between 0.6 and 4.5 - OK
Characteristic compressive strength; fk = 3.50 N/mm2
Loading details
Characteristic dead load; Gk = 4 kN
Characteristic imposed load; Qk = 6 kN
Design load on bearing; F = (Gk ´ 1.4) + (Qk ´ 1.6) = 14.7 kN
Masonry bearing type
Bearing type; Type 2
Bearing safety factor; gbear = 1.50
Check design bearing without a spreader
Design bearing stress; fca = F / (B ´ lb) = 0.983 N/mm2
Allowable bearing stress; fcp = gbear ´ fk / gm = 1.500 N/mm2
PASS - Allowable bearing stress exceeds design bearing stress
Check design bearing at 0.4 ´ h below the bearing level
Slenderness ratio; hef / tef = 24.00
Eccentricity at top of wall; ex = 0.0 mm
From BS5268:1 Table 7
Capacity reduction factor; b = 0.61
Length of bearing distributed at 0.4 ´ h; ld = 1110 mm
Maximum bearing stress; fca = F / (ld ´ t) = 0.133 N/mm2
Allowable bearing stress; fcp = b ´ fk / gm = 0.605 N/mm2
PASS - Allowable bearing stress at 0.4 ´ h below bearing level exceeds design bearing stress
So that's a 152x89UB16 tight under the joists, with 150 bearing to an engineering brick each end.
Looks like this: