Is this allowed?

BTW, you don't "employ" a self-employed tradesperson - you can only engage them, or hire their services. Since you're self-employed I'm surprised you didn't know that. ;)

So nice to meet the resident DIYnot pedant so soon after joining :LOL:

How does just one [hypothetical] RGI's feelings tell you anything much about the feelings, or behaviour, of all the real people in the that trade/industry?

Since you're being so pedantic, I'm surprised you didn't know that the above statement is, grammatically, incorrect. You also missed a comma between "self-employed" and "I'm".

Having now spent some time looking around the forums, I am unable to find any posts which you haven't stamped on with your size tens. If you have a spare few minutes when you're not sticking your rather large oars in, maybe we could engage in some grammatical jousting, pedantry pugilism or perhaps even a spelling test. A true David and Goliath contest between the undefeated champion pedant and the apprentice devils-advocate pretender. We can make it multiple-choice if you so desire. :rolleyes:
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I know this work isn't simple or basic and I lack both the knowledge and equipment to do it myself.

And yet your going to have a go :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's the reason people with your skills are in business!

And cost a bloody fortune to get there.

However, the work I intend to do myself IS simple and basic (for me it is anway)

The majority of electrical work is simple for any Diy'er, but can they legally do it?
just had a word with my suppliers and the boiler is cheaper than the last time i asked for a quote on that model(about 6 months back) so id be willing to come in at 950k including vat.
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just had a word with my suppliers and the boiler is cheaper than the last time i asked for a quote on that model(about 6 months back) so id be willing to come in at 950k including vat.

Pah! People like you are dragging us into the gutter with your ridiculously low prices, £950K indeed. You wouldn't get me out of bed for that!

Anyone seen Naomi recently? :LOL:
Since you're being so pedantic, I'm surprised you didn't know that the above statement is, grammatically, incorrect. You also missed a comma between "self-employed" and "I'm".
I don't really care about the minor errors - you could have put those aside and responded to the more important points.

But you didn't.
Had you made any important points, I would have responded to them.
I think we both know that's a big lie.

We do?

I've just read it another 3 times and I stand by my original statement. Much of wot u rote was unqualified garbage and, in parts, it made no sense whatsoever.

There is one point I'll respond to:

If you've ended up not trusting most of the professionals you've hired, then perhaps it's because there's no mutual trust, and, if so, maybe you should ask yourself why that is.

The only thing a professional needs to trust me with, is to pay my bill after he/she has done the work. If you're suggesting that when I "engage a professional" they deliberately do a bad job because "there's no mutual trust" then these professionals must be very highly-strung Prima Donnas . . . or you're on another planet. I trust every professional to do a good job, and if they don't, they don't come back. Simple. Do I need to attend social events with these people and establish some kind of intimate relationship with them before they'll do a decent job for me? Get the f*** outta here. Can you send me some of those drugs?
Please post a link to where you can easily find a WB boiler with flue and programmer etc incl VAT for £750. I'll have 10.

Also as far as the boiler goes - you are not even legally allowed to unpack the thing, :LOL: :LOL:

But to blunt would I go and commission a boiler already on the wall and connected to the flue.

Not a chance - gas very rarely kills but POC's do ,so why should you think you are qualified to connect the flue and not the gas supply pipe?

now if you'd run all the pipework and drilled/cored the flue hole and the position was ok, then I would but I'd still charge what I charge for a combi swap- since I'd still be there nearly the same time.

BTW - I take it you did the heat loss calcs required and know whether you present gas supply is of sufficient size?

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