Is this legit?

just because someone has seen a room full of fakes (collected because they are fakes) does not mean that everything from ebay is fake.
Wasn't a room, it was a bloody big warehouse in N.London, just one of many apparently. And I said the police told me 'nearly' everything was fake - sold by ebay 'stores', not everything. As they are the fraud team from the police who do this job, I wasn't going to be an expert in something I don't know about and not believe them. I was just sharing my day at work on here.

Interesting reading, many other similar articles out there.
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Sometimes people want to buy "fakes" because the original item is such a rip-off price .
Sometimes people want to buy "fakes" because the original item is such a rip-off price .
And I use ebay myself, but as mentioned before, I don't buy anything that needs to be safe anymore, including electrical items. I'd rather go without if I can't afford the real thing. After all, I managed to live my life without ebay goods before ebay was invented!
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