What a shame that people can nowadays only express their opinions on forums such as this remember the students roiting in the 70,s 80,s then all of a sudden gone . Why because the media the papers you buy and the news you watch are under control we are all sheep and under control baa baa black sheep is this racist , will one day the name black be an offence to speak, you tell me whats going on, and they called hittler evil, things what this guy did is just the tip of the ice berg compered to what the west are doing. and the bnp leader as been arrested and who stiched him up yes the media its about time the media needs stiching up.
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hermes said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
and the bnp leader as been arrested .
Poor guy.

poor guy hermes is that a your name or a desise,what you have is just cheap words, you have to try and make yourself look good poor guy my god you sound clevver
Cheers for your comments. All I can say is it was hellish seeing that baying mob in Leeds today. Reading some of the threads on here over the last few weeks does give me some hope though. Keep up the good work and don't let them do-good trotsky's get you down. ;)
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The Shed Lover: why oh why do you bite?

Notice how BOB DOLE and Slogger hardly ever post on any fun topics? They themselves are the equivalent of the media.
If the media plays a part in stopping this man spreading his bile and hatred then thats something I thank them for. His views are sick, ignorant and insidious. I believe in freedom of speech, but when someone incites hatred of whatever kind they should be dealt with robustly without fear or favour.

Just the same as they should deal with people like Abu Hamza and others who peddle hatred for their own self-aggrandisement...he should have been stopped long ago poisoning young impressionable minds.

Yes, political correctness is sometimes taken to ridiculous extremes...most people agree...but to throw the baby out with the bath water is just plain ignorant.

As far as I'm concerned this is one of the greatest countries in the world with greater tolerance and understanding of people from different cultures than most others...and it benefits as a result. Depends on your perspective, but I see the cup as half full with regards to what so-called immigrants have brought to this country rather than half empty. Of course there are issues, just as there will be in Spain with Brits settling over there for instance, but overall its a good thing.

Those who want immigrants out, where do you draw the line, and if you don't, why not take back to this country all the Ozzie, NZ, US, Canadian etc. descendants and give the indigenous populations their lands back in those countries. Its not reasonable, rational, or sane.

To compound your ignorance, where do you think the indigenous people of this country originate? Many have Viking blood, French, German, Irish, Italian, Spanish etc. Would you have them cut into pieces, a part sent to each of their forebears lands?

Better immigration and asylum policies and their effective implementation are needed, but what this man would do would put this country back socially and economically.

and they called hittler evil, things what this guy did is just the tip of the ice berg compered to what the west are doing

To think Hitler's actions not evil in comparison to the West nowadays is sad....Churchill, the British people and many others fought so hard and suffered so much against that tyranny to be devalued by such comments and I hope you will reflect...
To think Hitler's actions not evil in comparison to the West nowadays is sad....Churchill, the British people and many others fought so hard and suffered so much against that tyranny to be devalued by such comments and I hope you will reflect.

That is exactly my point the british soldiers fought for the country not
bloody parliment and all the cronies inside it the soldiers fought for the rich
and it still has not changed from that day to this.
the only reason they are letting the refugees into this country is because they are short of slaves to do all the bad jobs. The upper class are now getting every man and women to do two man,s work so threy can double the prifit and all the wealth is sent to america.
B.O.B DOLE said:
the only reason they are letting the refugees into this country is because they are short of slaves to do all the bad jobs.
Blimey BOB that sentence makes sense you be careful now else you start to be called a do goody leftie!
B.O.B DOLE said:
. The upper class are now getting every man and women to do two man,s work so threy can double the prifit and all the wealth is sent to america.

I am upper class and have slaves. I make them do everything and give me all their money, then I send it to George Bush as a postal order
pickles said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
. The upper class are now getting every man and women to do two man,s work so threy can double the prifit and all the wealth is sent to america.

I am upper class and have slaves. I make them do everything and give me all their money, then I send it to George Bush as a postal order

mr pickes you may think your rich but having a million these days is peanuts im talking about corporations. and contract corruption
can I have a peanut?

Moderator Note

Various posts on this topic have been removed. If you have any doubts on the nature of material allowed on the froum then please refer to the announcement at the top of the page. The forum is not a place for racism
Crikey I missed all that, and mod typing in bold, must have been severe.


not severe i let it go
however it was not my decision
hermes said:
Crikey I missed all that, and mod typing in bold, must have been severe.
not only racist but also homophobic, good for the mods

MOD as i have said i let it go maybye i shouldnt have :oops:
hermes said:
can I have a peanut?

Moderator Note

Various posts on this topic have been removed. If you have any doubts on the nature of material allowed on the froum then please refer to the announcement at the top of the page. The forum is not a place for racism

That looks like it is something YOU posted hermes. We know you better than that. Ask the Mods to make their OWN post, rather than editing yours (if it wasn't you).
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