Israel under attack

Who agrees that the two million plus Palestinians living in Gaza have suffered under the blockade for the last 16 years? Water and electricity have been restricted or cut off. Food and fuel too.
There is a near 50% unemployment rate, and their health system, infrastructure and living conditions have worsened in those 16 years.

What would you suggest these people do?

Please feel free to make suggestions as to how they can get out of the grip of the blockade.
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Roy Broom, its a slippery slope you are on

have a listen to this woman in Canada:

“Well first of all Hamas is not a terrorist group…every single thing that they do is justified” -
Murdering babies
- Burning children alive
- Beheading civilians
- Kidnapping children
- Raping and murdering at a concert
- Shooting dogs is “justified”

sorry cant seem to post the video directly

You clearly do not even possess the intellect for coherant comeback.

Please try harder . . . . Maybe get Roy to teach you.

Come back ?? What with the likes of you and yer BS yarns

What you need is a good laxative to clear yer head out :ROFLMAO:

Remind me what was your previous signature

Yes exactly a fruit cake
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I am calling Hamas terrorists because they commit terror on civilians

that is just a fact
So does Israel, but you don't label tham as terrorists.

Notice the difference between assigning a lable of terrorism to a single act of violence, and assigning a lable of terrorists to a group. The labelling of an act as terrorism is like admitting that the organisation has committed one act of terror.
Whereas assigning an organisation as terrorists is a permannent label.

You and others have admitted that Israel have committed an act of terror on this occasion, but you refuse to recognise all their previous acts of terror, and you refuse to admit that they are also terrorists. You refuse to admit that USA, UK etc are arming and supporting, and justifying the acts of terror committed by Israel.

there is no political ideology
There is a political motivation in labelling organisations as terrorists, to sway poublic opinion. If you are not aware of it, your eyes are closed. If you are denying it, your mind is closed.

So according to you Hamas have not committed any acts of terror, its just "an armed struggle"

So you call Israel a terrorist state, but Hamas is just an armed struggle........I have some advice for you: "You've internalised that ideology to a degree you're not even aware of it"
You're either intenionally conflating the things I have said, or you're losing track.
I have said that both israel and Hamas are bot committing excessive gratuitous violence.
if you describe one as terrorist, you must assign the same lable to the other.

by the way anybody reading this thread must realise you are prepared to twist yourself inside out to excuse Hamas....lucky for you so many have blocked you eh :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
My mind is quite clear, and it is you that is losing track, or intentionally misrepresenting what I've been saying. You (and fillyboy) are resorting to outlandish lies in order to try and shame me into adopting your opinion. That's perverted behaviour. But if you're comfortable with such tactics, then that's your problem. It's dishonest, but it's whjat I've come to expect from you.
Can't you just leave it now. Roy doesn't believe it's Terrorism. So be it, your not changing his mind.
Please feel free to make suggestions as to how they can get out of the grip of the blockade.
In the first instance they should ask that question right here on DiyNot. 'Cos some of the finest minds in economics, science, politics & even a bonafide 16star War General spend most of their time between here & their local 'Spoons' & they're like coiled springs just ready to leap in with their expert advice.
You clearly do not possess the level of intellect to decide who is & who isn't a terrorist. Inside your head, almost everything is there from your experiences while slobbing out in front of your gogglebox, or anyone who still interacts with you in the local 'Spoons'.
Yoiu clearly do not posess the level of intelligence to posit an intelligible argument.
You mistake abusive comments for intelligent discussion.
Israel has a right to defend itself, it does not have the right to commit war crimes -thats an act of state terrorism
What about the decades of oppression of Palestinians?
Any excuses for that?
Who agrees that the two million plus Palestinians living in Gaza have suffered under the blockade for the last 16 years? Water and electricity have been restricted or cut off. Food and fuel too.
There is a near 50% unemployment rate, and their health system, infrastructure and living conditions have worsened in those 16 years.

What would you suggest these people do?

Please feel free to make suggestions as to how they can get out of the grip of the blockade.
It's been reported that the water supply has been reconnected...which will be handy for putting out all the fires Israel is about to start.
Roy, was the Hamas action, in your view, terrorism?
No more and no less that decades of oppression of Palestinians by Israel.
Average of 300 Palestininas killed by Israel each year for the last ten years or so. This does not include any deaths during specific conflcts
Who agrees that the two million plus Palestinians living in Gaza have suffered under the blockade for the last 16 years? Water and electricity have been restricted or cut off. Food and fuel too.
There is a near 50% unemployment rate, and their health system, infrastructure and living conditions have worsened in those 16 years.

What would you suggest these people do?

Please feel free to make suggestions as to how they can get out of the grip of the blockade.
the only thing I hope is that Israel receives so much negative response it eventually leads to pressure to create a fair 2 state solution...cant see it though

the problem is that Hamas are being funded and lead by external pressures who are using them to stir up trouble for Israel and the West

Hamas dont care about Palestinians or a peaceful solution, they want to commit acts of terror, its what these people do
Can't you just leave it now. Roy doesn't believe it's Terrorism. So be it, your not changing his mind.
You've joined forces with the liars. It shows you have no real argument and are relying on lies to try and prove your point.
I have never denied that Hamas actions last weekend was terorrism. When those justifying Israel's actions also recognise that as terrorism, i will reciprocate.
But while those supporting the decades of oppression of Palestinians, by Israel, and refusing to acknowledge Israel as terrorists, I will refuse to acknowledge Hamas as terrorists. It's that simple.
No more and no less that decades of oppression of Palestinians by Israel.
Average of 300 Palestininas killed by Israel each year for the last ten years or so. This does not include any deaths during specific conflcts
in other words you support what they did.
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