Israeli mobs

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
break into Israeli army camps to try to rescue Israeli soldiers arrested for torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian captives.
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"Since the 7 October Hamas attack, Israeli authorities have rounded up and held thousands of Palestinians, often without legal representation.

The BBC has previously spoken to medical workers at a field hospital set up in Sde Teiman, who alleged that detainees have been blindfolded, permanently shackled to their beds, and made to wear nappies rather than having access to a toilet.

Last month, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published allegations made by a doctor at Sde Teiman that leg amputations had been carried out on two prisoners, because of cuffing injuries. The BBC has not independently verified the claims.

Detainees there have told journalists and United Nations officials that they were beaten and attacked. The Israeli Defence Forces have denied systematic abuse

Many Gazans detained by Israel’s army are released without charge after interrogation. Amnesty International this month called on Israel to end the indefinite detention of Gaza Palestinians and what it called "rampant torture" in its prisons."

Yawn. Another Johnny Jew hating thread.
Do you see the similarity between the thread you've described as anti-Semitic, and the recent (one among many) anti-Muslim thread which you applauded?

Except JohnD's post is based on a BBC article, whereas fillyboy's is based on an anonymous, untraceable and highly suspect source.

If you can't see the irony and hypocrisy, it's because you've closed your eyes to the obvious.
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Actually it appears that the Red Cross has asked for permission to inspect the prisons but permission was denied,

Not that they are prisons in some ways. Treatment is likely to differ from what that usually means. One it seems has a military bent. However all of this type of info is via leaks - even from Israeli doctors or so it seems.

Fact is that lots get locked up without any charges and time spent there varies. The purpose of holding them appears to be interrogation.
A recent report by the UN Palestinian affairs agency, Unrwa, detailed extensive abuse at Sde Teiman, where detainees were “subjected to beatings while made to lie on a thin mattress on top of rubble for hours without food, water or access to a toilet, with their legs and hands bound with plastic ties”. Detainees including children “reported being forced into cages and attacked by dogs”, they said, while others had lasting wounds from their beatings, including with metal bars.

It's a sign of the times as Right Wangers applaud the beatings of Muslims while scoffing down their gammon dinner.
Oh f**k off!
So your contributions are reduced to vague innuendos, which you can't or won't explain, and vulgar outbursts.
Maybe you had no idea either what motorbiking was alluding to. Yet you appeared to agree to whatever it was he tried to say. :rolleyes:

Why am I not surprised. :rolleyes:
"Israeli media reported that the detainee had been sexually abused, with the Haaretz newspaper reporting that he had been forcibly sodomised and taken to hospital with severe injuries that left him unable to walk."

"Bezalel Smotrich, the ultranationalist finance minister, posted a video on X, saying that the soldiers were “heroic warriors” and that they should not be arrested like “criminals”.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, who was convicted in 2007 of incitement to racism, wrote: “Take your hands off the reservists!”"
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