You're being awkward. That's not like you, but anyway:
On the 60s clip they were using a human being for testing a bullet proof vest. People were wondering why.
Actually they used two; one wearing the vest and one firing the gun.
I was going to write 'shooting' the gun but of course people don't shoot guns, do they? That's horses.
So I (humourously) said:
Perhaps they weren't allowed to use dead pigs - like Mythbusters - for religious reasons.
If you read it properly, my meaning is clear.
If you read it wrongly and leave out a dash, you can associate whichever phrase with whichever other one you want.
Perhaps they weren't allowed to use dead pigs (like Mythbusters) for religious reasons.
Is that clearer for you?
If not:
Perhaps they (the people in the clip) weren't allowed to use dead pigs - like Mythbusters (do use dead pigs) - for religious reasons (the people in the clip; not Mythbusters).