Its a mans game

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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With the obvious exception of saying/communicating stuff that is illegal, I can't get to grips (neither do I want to) with the way people are called out if they say something that isn't all-inclusive.

If the end goal is 'everything vanilla' so as not to offend some people, you can keep it.

Ok this is OT but related in a way. Was channel hopping one time and came across one of the shopping channels. Nice looking woman on it so I stopped hopping for a minute. They were flogging smelly stuff, shower lotion etc. There was a brand expert and the main presenter. The brand expert said something like:

And the key notes here are masculine, so this range might be suited to a man in your life e.g. your partner, dad, brother or son.

You could literally see the panic in the presenters eyes, she maybe even had someone shouting down her ear. Within seconds she says something like:

But there are no boundaries to these ranges, so if ladies like this scent it's equally suitable for them.

You could then see the brand expert die a bit inside, however to keep her pay cheque she half nodded and gave a semi-reluctant sounding Yes you're right.

My point is this. I couldn't care less if men and woman do the same things, however it should still be valid to refer to men and women separately without fear of being corrected to ensure full inclusion / vanilla-ness.

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He's Scottish they will never win anything apart from chucking logs.
We came 6th in the medals list.
I think we did rather well considering the size of our population in comparison to the countries above us in the list.
Souness clarified his comment yesterday by explaining he was talking about the match they'd just watched. It's his job to comment on the game and he did just that. Anyone taking offence isn't really judging what he said in the context it was intended.
lets see these women get tackled by the likes of souness and hear them squealing that its not a mans game
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