I've found a brexit bonus!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Well for a few people...

The illegal actions in the Chagos islands are to end and the illegally evicted population (and their descendants) will be able to return...

"For decades, the tiny island nation of Mauritius struggled to win any serious international support on the issue.
A handful of Chagos islanders, who’d been forced to abandon their homes in the late 1960s and early 70s, repeatedly took the British government to court.
But it was only recently that international opinion began to shift.
African nations began to speak with one voice on the issue, pushing the UK hard on the issue of decolonialisation.
Then Brexit left many European nations reluctant to continue backing the UK’s stance in international forums"

One wonders which of the remaining British overseas territories will be next?

For the UK it is of course a further sign of the decline of influence that started after brexit, and which will only get worse...
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We’ve kept the military base though which was the ONLY thing it was good for so I think we’ve done well - kept the cream and given back the shìt! Yep. A Brexit bonus indeed.
A US base also figures in it. They don't see any problem negotiating with the new "owners" who we have pretty good relationships with.

People going back - seen as unlikely due to supply distances and other factors.
They're using this as a stick with which to beat Sir Starman on GBnews, but let's be honest - who among us had heard of the Islands before today?
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We’ve kept the military base though which was the ONLY thing it was good for so I think we’ve done well - kept the cream and given back the shìt! Yep. A Brexit bonus indeed.
It's by default a US base, and it's a loss of sovereignty and world influence...

I thought brexiteers had a big hang up on 'retaining/regaining sovereignty', which of course had never been lost...

And brexiteers told us that the UK was such a wonderful world power that our influence would increase...

It's quite obvious that brexiteers actually dumped an ever increasing pile of sh*t on the UK and don't care!

Funnily enough there weren't that many more people on the Falklands which was a sh*thole full of sheep than were in the Chagos, but that was worth fighting over apparently...

I guess it comes down to how you weigh up the value of a human being under different circumstances ;)
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It's by default a US base, and it's a loss of sovereignty and world influence...
The deal includes a 99year lease with an option to renew and a number of other factors. It seems UK make use of it as well. C4 interviewing the UK negotiator. US involved as well. Options to placate the Islanders that were made to move.

Seems Cameron put a hold on negotiations. Clever struggled. Starmer said get on with it which they have. Seems some of Clever's and previous work did help a bit. Clever's more but it needs finalising before the new owners elections. Ideal time.
Heard a blurb on the radio that Argentina are kicking off about the 'Malvinas' again. Will GBnews campaign to send in the gunboats once more, onto the beach my friends, once more?
It's by default a US base, and it's a loss of sovereignty and world influence...
It’s a joint base.

“One of the largest islands on the tropical atoll, Diego Garcia, will remain a joint US-UK military base and is expected to remain so for 99 years with an option to renew. Mauritius will be able to begin a programme of resettlement on the Chagos Islands, but not on Diego Garcia”.
They're using this as a stick with which to beat Sir Starman on GBnews, but let's be honest - who among us had heard of the Islands before today?
I’m sure we had a thread on this.

I also recall we bought the islands. So perhaps we should get a refund?
I’m sure we had a thread on this.

I also recall we bought the islands. So perhaps we should get a refund?

You break it...


...you bought it.

Is it that strategically important after two centuries?

It's estimated a metre rise in sea-level by the end of the century will swamp the whole lot.
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