Right then.
This junction box option might need to come into play here. Honestly, I'm usually pretty good at picking things up and doing things around the house. However, it seems as though soldering is currently getting the better of me. I've now tried 10 time to solder one of the 5 wires and I'm getting nowhere fast; literally. I'm running out of wire to cut back. I'm either putting too much solder on and then the sheath won't go over the joint, or I can't get the bloody thing to join at all. If i do end up with loads of solder, is it sufficient enough to then wrap it in insulation tape instead of the shrinkable joint?
Any tips?
This junction box option might need to come into play here. Honestly, I'm usually pretty good at picking things up and doing things around the house. However, it seems as though soldering is currently getting the better of me. I've now tried 10 time to solder one of the 5 wires and I'm getting nowhere fast; literally. I'm running out of wire to cut back. I'm either putting too much solder on and then the sheath won't go over the joint, or I can't get the bloody thing to join at all. If i do end up with loads of solder, is it sufficient enough to then wrap it in insulation tape instead of the shrinkable joint?
Any tips?