Political parties don't ruin your health.
People ruin their own health by lack of exercise, over eating and living in cack hole cities where carcinogenic pollution is rife.
So how would you fund the healthcare system?
You seem to be one of those who want a privatised system. I will break it down so you can understand.
In a privatised system - who pays for the treatment and who provides it? Well lets say like the US its the Insurance companies that pay for the treatment. This is an extra cost of administration that you will have to pay for - but you hate
red tape and pen pushers well in an Insurance based system thats what you get.
In the US about 25% of health costs are absorbed by administration.
Now in the US, the vast majority of healthcare is provided through your workplace. So they have to negotiate prices with the insurers but the insurers have the power to dictate prices.
Now hospitals need to cover their costs but to do that they need to be able to account for everything right down to a cotton bud. So their admin costs are inflated.
On top of this with their litigious culture you have to pay for expensive medical negligence premiums. Costs are just adding up.
Now we get onto the staff. As the staff have paid for themselves through University and are in large amounts of debt -they want payback so Hospitals need to remunerate staff accordingly. So as education costs rise so does the cost to employ these future medical staff.
But wait on you can just recruit foreign medical staff?
But that means immigration!!!!
All in all the the health sector in the US has doubles from about 9% to about 20% of the GDP and costs are not sustainable.
Warren Buffet has argued that it would be better for the US to sort out their healthcare system to make companies more competitive than lower tax rates.
But if logic doesnt appeal to you, and you are ruled by emotion then why do you hate the NHS so much?