Johnson Sinks to New Low

Lol. Swerving.

You created the thread and OP, and you are not even aware of the facts, of the past? Jesus, talk about chatting nonsense.

Starmer was head of the DPP between 2008 and 2013. He ran the public department that made the decision not to charge Savile. There was lots of evidence.

Subsequently, the QC who carried out the review of the whole Saville thing, was critical of how the case had been handled by the DPP - whose boss was Starmer.

In 2013 the CPS admitted that it and several police forces had missed opportunities to take action action against Saville.

A report by the CPS (CPS is run by the DPP) slammed failings by certain police forces between 2007 and 2009 and admitted the case against Savile was "a strong one".

Starmer apologised for the failures and described the Savile scandal - "I have apologised to the victims"

All completely wrong.

the actual facts are: the victims refused to bring charges because the police didn’t tell them there were other victims that had come forward. So Saville couldn’t be charged

the CPS weren’t able to do anything because of this.
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  • Decided not to prosecute John Worboys for 75 sex assaults
  • Yet spent four years failing to prosecute 23 Sun journalists
  • Insisted on prosecuting Paul Chambers for making a light-hearted joke on social media (the infamous Twitter joke trial)
  • Failed to build a case against Jimmy Savile and forced to apologise after being damned by report into failings
  • Repeatedly championed the innocence of convicted murder who later admitted that he was actually guilty
  • Failed to prosecute police officer who killed newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson
  • Ordered the CPS in Wales to drop the prosecution of a primary school teacher who had been accused of sexting a 16 year old boy, who went on to commit suicide
  • Damning report into Starmer’s tenure at the CPS showed it was performing well below the necessary standard, with the report attributing part of the blame to a ‘overload of initiatives’ from the CPS’ national leadership
  • Survey of CPS staff found that just 12% of them thought that the organisation was being well managed under Starmer’s leadership
  • Accused of reopening a spurious sex abuse case involving a friend of Tom Watson – the accused was cleared in an hour
  • Chose not to prosecute two doctors accused of carrying out abortions on grounds of gender
A bunch of meaningless opinions.

It would be possible to find such a list for any period you wanted.

Poor old Fillyboy.

Johnson pizzed on his own bonfire with this and you are desperately trying to wipe off the pizz
All completely wrong.

the actual facts are: the victims refused to bring charges because the police didn’t tell them there were other victims that had come forward. So Saville couldn’t be charged

the CPS weren’t able to do anything because of this.

So why did Starmer feel the need to apologise on behalf of the CPS?
All completely wrong.

the actual facts are: the victims refused to bring charges because the police didn’t tell them there were other victims that had come forward. So Saville couldn’t be charged

the CPS weren’t able to do anything because of this.

“I would like to take the opportunity to apologise for the shortcomings in the part played by the CPS in these cases. If this report and my apology are to serve their full purpose, then this must be seen as a watershed moment.”
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He could survive due to the difficulty of replacing him. Right from the start he has been seem as an election winner. Persona more than anything else.
So why don't political parties adopt David Attenborough or some such similar leader?
How about Jimmy Carr as leader of the Tories?
He get's more laughs than Boris, and the Tories could ditch him quicker and easier.
The Levitt enquiry weren't impressed that in 2010 the CPS deleted all records of the Savile case (strange that). Starmer has been clear that the responsibility for any supposed failings in Govt lies with Johnson, he's the boss after all.

It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him.

Read more:
So Boris is rubbish at PM, he's brought disrepute to the office and the country, but it's excusable because (in your opinion) Starmer was rubbish at his previous job?
Your logic is faulty.

Apart from the distraction technique, it's downright disgusting to use a proven false allegation against a political opponent to excuse your own failings.
Bet Notch has burnt a hole in his Google button by now. LOL.
Not only that, he seems to be searching some sort of alternative reality Google which is returning a completely different set of facts in the results. o_O
Yes, let's.

Disgusting and habitual liar uses reprehensible tactics to deflect from his horrendous leadership, his parliamentary lying and his wilful disobedience of the rules he himself set. 15 letters of no confidence and 5 high level resignations.
Lower than a snakes' belly.

Greedy grasping lying Tory scum.
Ignoring the fact won't make it wrong or go away.

Starmer failed and Saville escaped trial. Starmer had to apologise to Savile's victims.

The wokes always want things they don't like cancelled. Can't accept the facts.
So why did Starmer feel the need to apologise on behalf of the CPS?

Same reason as Boris has but entirely different circumstances and also a totally different organisation containing a number of functions and one hell of a lot more people handling 1,000's of cases. Compared with party goers with a clown at the head. A columnist with a bad reputation. :eek: Gove managed to avoid that. On the box recently and my wife said he looks completely different, even his voice has changed.

Anyway it is a nice piece of side stepping. There are 2 essential issues with people in No10. Did they break covid rules and did Boris lie or mislead the house of parliament. This has extended even within his own party to is he fit for office. In these respects Starmer or anyone else is irrelevant. Actually it may be a bad sign for Boris. Oh I've had it so try and find some one who apologised and survived as then all will be ok. He made a bad choice. The same problem existed before even Starmer was born and he has tried to do something about it. Things have changed. Enquires - it was only weeks ago when Boris tried to ignore the results of one of them.One of their own.

The other aspect is excessive alcohol consumption or have you forgot.

His brexit baggage still keeps popping up in the news. Other things are keeping levelling up down in the news. They'll get to it eventually.
Ignoring the fact won't make it wrong or go away.

That's right.

Johnson lied to the nation and he lied to Parliament.

He broke the rules he himself had announced.

His own staff repeatedly broke the law, and he with them, at the time when ordinary citizens were obeying, or were being cautioned or fined by police.

And he dishonestly pretended he didn't know, wasn't there, and that the law had been obeyed. All transparent lies.
Oh diddums. Can't handle the fact that the leader failed massively in his previous job, and let a nonce escape justice.

Anyway I can't understand why you wokey-cokeys are defending him he's an absolute shiite labour leader. Thank God he won't be anywhere near running the country anytime.
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