I see Russia has started vaccinating.
Does that mean Gavin Williamson no longer thinks Britain is a better country?
Does that mean Gavin Williamson no longer thinks Britain is a better country?
I can remember seeing on a programme once after the invention of the printing press, making books etc just became so much easier. Thing was that vast majority of people couldn't read well (or at all) and had no need for a book. So these new publications were made/invented to reach the masses. The publications were full of short snippets and illustrations, most of the content was nonsense, mythical, miracle cures and gossipy rubbish but it caught on and sold well. These publications were more akin to tabloids of today and are also pretty much of what the newspapers that we know today were born out of.
Always found this kind of thing interesting
The internet has pretty all the information in the world with a click.. tons of really good stuff for anyone to read and very informative.The dumbing down caused by the Internet has been like that caused by the invention of printing but a billion fold.
I do think though that it seems that people are getting a tad more stupid. Either that or am just getting grumpy in my old age?