Just announced on sky M Jackson

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They have got to be joking. :evil:

So now he still thinks he has done nothing wrong, and will probably carry on doing the same.......

He should have been locked away for a very long time IMO.
Granted he's a total nutter, but then in a sense he can (or could) afford to be.

You have to say that a 2-3 million dollar payoff to someone accusing you of this sort of thing was probably a lot cheaper than fighting it out in court.
Count? he been inviting royalty to visit? what happened to them?
This is the trouble the bloke has been cleared of all charges and as such is an innocent man but there are still some as above who will not believe a verdict of a court tht has seen the facts that those above havnt and yet they have made their own minds up to his guilt?? Put yourself in his position for a minute how much would you feel of the injustice of knowing people still think you are guilty even if you knew you were innocent of all charges, think how frustrating that would be to be shunned by some no matter how innocent you are, so give the guy a break.
I think it was the right decision in this case, but I hope MJ learns from it. He genuinely may see nothing wrong with cuddling up to a young boy in bed, but the rest of the world do. Next time some trailer-trash Mom sends their kid round for a sleepover (and they will) he should get the Z-Bed down from the loft.
I think we got to try and understand that MJ is still a child in his bodymind and that why he feels closer to children, wrong or right but I don't think he's a prevert. I blamed mostly the parents.
Well seriously, anyone who decides to be in a position like this of having their children entertained by an eccentric millionaire prone to giving away lavish gifts should not be complaining about what they get, good or bad.

This is a little complicated because I do not think people should necessarily believe stories about celebrities, but I think anyone enjoying the delights of neverland had more than fair warning. Also, it sounds like no one came away from the place suffering anything more than getting richer.
I cant believe it myself. Of the parts I heard about with all of the 'dubious material' found in his house etc etc, if it were you or I the children would have been taken away long ago and we would be locked in a cell by now.

Try sleeping in the same bed as your neighbours kids and see what happens to you. :confused:
Well how about sleeping in the same bed as your own children? As to dubious material, quite a lot of people out there plainly have it in their homes. Otherwise there would not be a huge industry printing it. And rather a lot of those people must also have children.

Would have been interesting if the jury had the scottish option of guilty/not guilty/not proven. I can plainly see how as a member of the jury you could be in a position of believing it could well be true, but that it had also not been proven.
Here we go, Hospital stagger to crutch holding moonwalk, following a coupla of weeks of inactivity ...

:D :D
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