Just when you thunk the Tories were doing OK...

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Is this the countdown to the May 2024 General election 1350 days away?
you could see it that way.

The MSM would rather have you believe that its them reminding folk just how poor this current Tory shi t shambles is and that their one trick ponyism is not going to outlast the patience of poor, broke out of work Tory brexit voters.

No, I'm going to stick around a keep reminding ceres and hate just how bad their choice of government really is.

Get Brexit Done, lol.
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Gove will be PM by next year.

Tories will blame Bojo and Hancock for the mess of Covid and Brexit.

Bojo and Hancock are preparing for their exits by lining the pockets of their friends through no competition contracts. They will then join the board of those companies as advisors.
you could see it that way.

The MSM would rather have you believe that its them remind folk just how poor this current Tory shi t shambles is and that their one trick ponyism is not going to outlast the patience of poor, broke out of work Tory brexit voters.

No, I'm going to stick around a keep reminding ceres and hate just how bad their choice of government really is.

Get Brexit Done, lol.

You're drunk and incoherent.
Starmer is a capable politician

Blimey imagine his dilemma when he had to sit on the front bench with all them corbinista buffoons :LOL:

Barry waffle gardener :LOL:
John Mao Mcdonnel :LOL:
Dianne have not got a scooby Abbot :LOL:

Jeremy wolfy Corbyn :LOL:

Jeez us wept

They were so I competent they could not even win an election against buffoon Johnson

Then u have Nicola sturgeon

Only one policy independanve and using this chinese virus caper to further that policy :LOL:

Than u have the labour party momentum activists :LOL: party members

Infiltrators :LOL:

Jeez us

Some od em post up pics of massive crowds attending some Corbyn rally :LOL:

And are that dumb ;) they actually thought it would transfer into votes  at a general election
For someone who doesn't give a scooby, and doesn't vote, you have an awful lot to say about politics.
you could see it that way.

The MSM would rather have you believe that its them remind folk just how poor this current Tory shi t shambles is and that their one trick ponyism is not going to outlast the patience of poor, broke out of work Tory brexit voters.

No, I'm going to stick around a keep reminding ceres and hate just how bad their choice of government really is.

Get Brexit Done, lol.

Never underestimate the uninformed, angry old Tory voter, they would vote for Droit du seigneur (letting their feudal lords have sex with their wives).

The same old windbags who complained about Millenials being workshy feckless avocado toast eating layabouts on a recent Yougov poll were strongy in favour of people returning to work - the same people who were furloughed and told to work from home to protect these seniors.

"In my day we had polio and ringworm, nothing like a bit of polio to sort the men from the boys".

The boomer generation really are a bunch of bitter uninformed zealots who really want their kids and grandkids to suffer as a form of character building exercise.
They beat the terrorist supporter corbyn and thats all that really matters.

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Tories did a number on you. :LOL:
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