Killer of James Bulger back in prison

In a democratic society we all have the right to our own views, there are certain things that should not be discussed openly, particularly anything that is out side of the law.
Blasphemous has been accused in the past of having contentious subjects removed, he has my full support on this stance, I too have asked mods to remove certain items, successfully.
We should not as a group do anything that will jeopardize the legal standing of this site.

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We should not as a group do anything that will jeopardize the legal standing of this site.
Nor indeed the due processes of the law.

If, as Mr Straw argues (and one has to assume that the has had proper advice from lawyers far more knowledgable, talented and able than himself) it is true that public knowledge of the precise laws that venables has allegedly broken in addition to a disclosure of his identity, should endanger the possibility of a full and fair investigation of these crimes, and thus create an unsafe commital, then it is in everybody's interest that this information should be kept hidden.

The last thing anybody wants is for there to be any reason provided which would enable venables to be released on a legal technicality.

I know of a succesfully prosecuted paedophile (who was a classroom teacher) having his convicton overturned due to a flawed summing-up of the presiding judge, and not any error of the witnesses and physical evidence. We don't want that happening here.
100% behind not publishing any names on this or any other forum for the precise reasons given by Blas & Dex. I have heard over 7 different names in the past couple of days, 3 in one day, and dismissed all of them, even pointing out to the people who gave these names the danger they may be putting an innocent person in.
Imagine, a family is living their lives going about their daily business. A couple of weeks ago the son, who is about 27, has to go and work away at short notice. Somehow some pillock puts 2 and 2 together, makes 5 and starts spreading his name around as being the gobshit. Think about it.
27 year old suddenly out of the picture, his family say he has been sent away on a job. All perfectly true!
Who is going to believe them 100%?
"No smoke without fire, seems strange this has suddenly happened, its got to be him."

Suddenly we have a family burnt to death because someone torched their home in the middle of the night because of rumours.

Anyone still want to print someones name?
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So there's some poor bloke called Calvert in liverpool somewhere who has been mistaken for venables. So the question is, which half wits are attacking or giving grief to peope they think is venables? They seem to fail to understand that he is behind bars and has been so for about a week. Can they not work these things out?

Reminds me of those buffoons who hounded a paediatrician after huntley was arrested, as they were too stupid to work out the difference between this word and a paedophile :rolleyes:
Not in Liverpool Dex, he lives in Fleetwood but originates from the 'Pool'.
Not in Liverpool Dex, he lives in Fleetwood but originates from the 'Pool'.
:oops: Only half listening to the local news - plus he has an "accent" and looked funny. Plus he was wearing a tracksuit. Not that we're talking stereotypes Conny ;)
plus he has an "accent" and looked funny. Plus he was wearing a tracksuit. Not that we're talking stereotypes Conny

Believe me.
Your not! :LOL:
It is easy for these things to spiral out of control and before you know it you've got a lynching mob. There were/are some uncanny similarities in the lives of the two of them. I mean apart for the Liverpool connection and the age, apparently 'DC' also spent some time inside!

Mr Calvert thinks the mistaken identity first came about when, after moving to Lancashire, he told neighbours he had been in jail. However that was for an offence of fraud.

I do sympathise with the lad for the abuse he's received but... he moved to a new area and a new home and he says hi to the neighbours and tells them he's been to jail! Why the hell would you do that?
Cos he's now honest? i tell people on here i've been to prison, were not all baddies, some things happen cos the law is an ass
Cos he's now honest? i tell people on here i've been to prison, were not all baddies, some things happen cos the law is an ass

You are a benefit scrounger that is of no use to society.
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