Ok guys. I had a good amount of time to check wheels and CV joints today. I have recorded some audio and 2 videos of the checks. I can tell you that the back wheels had absolutely ''play'' or movement. Both of the front wheels had what I would describe as a small amount of ''play''. But I don't know if they are both bad or if neither of them is. What I did notice though was the jack needed to be noticeably higher when placing it under the passenger side. Now the road probably wasn't 100% even but the road wasn't THAT bad either. What might that suggest?
Both CV joints made noise when I shook them. One of the videos will show that. The other video will show me shaking the front wheel. Problem is I was holding the camera while shaking the wheel and so judging the movement will probably prove impossible. But some noise can be heard, which I don't know if it is bearing, CV or normal noise?
Finally, I have an audio clip of the car on the motorway at 75mph. As the car bends left, the noise becomes much worse, which happens at 20 seconds in. Might the problem be CV joints only? Or do we still suspect Bearings? Both front wheels gave the same results to the test.
CV Joints both tested the same, with this rattle noise.
Wheel bearing ''play'' test. Apologies for the shaky video which probably does nothing to help in seeing the amount of play in the wheels. They had, what seemed to me to be a small amount of play. When I shook them enough, you can hear a noise. Not sure if the noise was anything to do with the CV joint or the bearing or whatever?
Audio of the car on a motorway at 75mph. At 20 seconds the car is bending left and the noise gets very bad suggesting the CV joint perhaps?
I will hopefully get it in the the breakers this week anyway. Thanks again for all the help guys, and please le me know what you think of these videos!