Labours mission to get this country out of recession.

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
I am intrigued to see what Labour choses to do in the up n coming budget. I see oh JohnD the wise one mentioned what tools can be used to get the country out of a recession, which we are currently in. (hair splitters Fo please we are not exactly deep in recession but scraping the barrel poor).

Weve never had less, spending down, local facilities are reduced, health care suffering, yet what did the Tories do? Oh that's right allow the BOE to put up interest rates to benefit the banks that's right lets squeeze the last pennies out of the public in interest rates, basically a banking tax on the public as none of that money goes into the UK tax payers pot remember, under the guise of 'reducing inflation' How absolutely fcked up is that? How about cap energy and household running costs that were inflaTING.

There's some pretty intelligent people on these forums, in this country in fact, is it that you earn so much money already you just roll with it??

Ok so lets ask the Oracle (no not JohnD) what a typical best practice way is to kick start an economy. All of the below seems blatantly fcking obvious. Instead i bet Labour do none of it, instead they will just 'tax the rich more'. Which is a falicy as the rich have enough money to move their money around in such a way they avoid punitive taxes believe me i see it everywhere.
Why can't a party in power just give us a break, drop the interest rates and use a flat rate Tax, tax afterall is a PERCENTAGE, the more you earn the more you pay. Where is the incentive for hard workers to earn more?
A person earning 100k pays about 6times more tax than somebody on 25k. (if i recollect i may have to revisit my stats).
You can't buy a second home anymore and rent it as you're taxed to fck.
The only routes are an ISA or Pension (pension is relying on the fact you will make it to retirement age thats not a given(!), or would you rather blow that money when you're young enough to spend it properly? No you dont get an option 25% only at 55 or the rest is Taxed)

Why doesn't the goverment just give us some credibility, and say hey ok you can go 20% flat rate tax but you pay for your own health care etc? Instead they insist on ripping every spare penny from us to spend on what? PPE Scandals Arms deals and so many other projects where money dissapears down the toilet. I would argue most of us public wanting to take our own route would spend that money far more efficiently than a public servant with no accountability in 4 years time. They don't care.

Here's what ChatGPT reckons, perhaps it should run our country????

Getting a country out of a recession typically requires a mix of policy measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, increasing employment, and restoring confidence. Here are some key techniques that governments and policymakers can use:

1. Fiscal Policy

Increased Government Spending: Governments can boost public spending on infrastructure projects, healthcare, education, and other public services. This creates jobs, stimulates demand, and can have a multiplier effect on the economy.
Tax Cuts and Incentives: Reducing taxes on individuals and businesses can increase disposable income and encourage spending and investment. Tax incentives can also stimulate specific sectors, such as renewable energy or technology.
Direct Stimulus Payments: Providing direct payments to citizens can boost consumption and help struggling households.

2. Monetary Policy

Lowering Interest Rates: Central banks can reduce interest rates to make borrowing cheaper for consumers and businesses, encouraging spending and investment.
Quantitative Easing: This involves the central bank purchasing government bonds or other financial assets to inject liquidity into the economy, lowering long-term interest rates and encouraging investment.
Credit Easing: Similar to quantitative easing, but focused on private sector assets to improve credit conditions for businesses and households.

3. Supply-Side Policies

Deregulation: Reducing unnecessary regulations can lower costs for businesses and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.
Improving Labor Market Flexibility: Reforms to labor laws can make it easier for businesses to hire and retain workers, and for workers to find jobs that match their skills.

4. Trade and Investment Policies

Promoting Exports: Supporting export industries through subsidies, tax breaks, or improving trade agreements can help boost economic activity.
Attracting Foreign Investment: Creating a favorable environment for foreign investors can bring capital, technology, and jobs.

5. Structural Reforms

Strengthening Financial Systems: Ensuring a stable and resilient banking system can restore confidence and facilitate lending.
Investing in Education and Training: Enhancing the workforce's skills and adaptability can improve productivity and long-term growth prospects.

6. Social Policies

Social Safety Nets: Strengthening social welfare programs can support those most affected by the recession, reducing inequality and supporting aggregate demand.
Healthcare and Housing: Investing in healthcare and affordable housing can improve the overall well-being of the population and support economic stability.
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I am intrigued to see what Labour choses to do in the up n coming budget. I see oh JohnD the wise one
Good to see JohnD getting his true recognition. ;)

Where's that sick emoji?
Its funny that you post ChatGPT's suggestions when they're factually the opposite of yours.

Look at the US, massive financial stimulus into infrastructure and green technology. Now their economy is booming.
Its funny that you post ChatGPT's suggestions when they're factually the opposite of yours.

Look at the US, massive financial stimulus into infrastructure and green technology. Now their economy is booming.
Honestly i reckon most of us live in a twisted parallel.

ok lets look at your observations are they correct? I asked why can't they lower interest rates.

ChatGPT recommends - "Lowering Interest Rates: Central banks can reduce interest rates to make borrowing cheaper for consumers and businesses, encouraging spending and investment."

Are you ok Minion? Interpreting Data overload?

Straight away we are into nit picking comments. Make something constructive give a valid opinion of your own.
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Quite enjoying the additional thousands i am getting in high interest rates
Honestly i reckon most of us live in a twisted parallel.

ok lets look at your observations are they correct? I asked why can't they lower interest rates.

ChatGPT recommends - "Lowering Interest Rates: Central banks can reduce interest rates to make borrowing cheaper for consumers and businesses, encouraging spending and investment."

Are you ok Minion? Interpreting Data overload?

Straight away we are into nit picking comments. Make something constructive give a valid opinion of your own.
Lowering interest rates, great, you agree on that. But the rest, no.

I've given a suggestion, invest in industry and production similar to Bidens infrastructure plan in the US. Unlike flat tax rates and fiddling with interest rates it works, it works quickly, and is known to work.
Also, the NHS is probably the most unifying thing the UK has. Why do you hate the UK festive?
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Go ask chatgpt about gov debt levels and borrowing. Then why central banks increase interest rates under certain circumstances. They all do.

If gas is mentioning cash isa's the level of interest rates currently offered are down to an obscure aspect of QE. Farage says end it. Gov, Tory currently says no as guilts are selling at a loss. The set up costs £b's. Labour will have the same problem.

IT mentions the USA. Their GDP is over $28t ours ~3 or so. Rather large difference. Just what does he think the implications are? Out of interest the EU's is 15.8t but in euro; China $38t. Some care is needed on this as it can be PPP figures or nominal. PPP is usual via google searches. Nominal makes China 2nd in the league rather than top.

Truss tried tax reduction and what happened? LOL She blames the deep state - no it's down to the markets. A country must show signs that it can support itself in it's current state. That negates the fact that services are in mess.

Economics in general. For many years the main thing considered was the trade gap and keeping it positive. Globalisation for many countries meant finding a different method of controlling the economics. One concern was negative trade gaps and other countries getting richer as a result. The economic reply - don't worry they will have stacks and will invest where they sell. This in some ways is what happened. Why - an exporter needs the countries they export to. They have to be able to buy. This is the simple view. Reality is more complex.
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Look at the US, massive financial stimulus into infrastructure and green technology. Now their economy is booming.
Since 2022, Reeves has espoused "modern supply-side economics", an economic policy which focuses on infrastructure, education and labour supply by rejecting tax cuts and deregulation.[56][57] In May 2023, Reeves coined the term "securonomics" to refer to her version of this economic policy, originally in a public address at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.[58][59] It is heavily inspired by US president Joe Biden's economic policy, particularly his Inflation Reduction Act.[60][61] Securonomics is based on the belief that globalisation has failed to achieve its stated aims and that economies in the Western world must adapt in response.[62] It would involve a productivist "active state"[59] taking a more active role in managing the free-market economy, boosting production and drawing up industrial policy, stronger supply chains, and more economic cooperation with international allies with similar economic goals.

On 31 January 2024, Reeves announced that Labour would not reintroduce a cap on bankers' bonuses, despite having questioned why the cap was being removed by the Conservatives in October 2023.[50] The decision was linked to large inflows of money into the Labour Party from global banks, professional services firms, consultancies and financiers since 2022.[51] The next day Reeves announced that Labour would not raise corporation tax in the next parliament if it got into power.[52]

Actually I think leaving corporation at a static level has always figured. It's needed to ensure that businesses can plan.
"Straight away we are into nit picking comments. Make something constructive give a valid opinion of your own."

sez the man regurgitating whatever an AI tells him. :rolleyes:

'sez the man' who says i am a man??? Is this a mans world this diy place?

Secondly read my opinion above before i pasted the chatGPT.

Again same to you, make some constructive comments instead of nit picking and being incorrect already.

Odds, sort yourself out, have a coffee, slap round the face start again, you can do better lad/lass.
Technical recessions are OK, we are still recovering from the covid bounce. The important thing in any recession is to avoid job losses and make it as easy as possible for employers to hire talent. I currently have open roles in the UK and EU. I'm much more cautious about hiring in the EU because of the local employment laws. You also don't want to drive business to your competitor (countries).

If people lose their jobs and can't pay their mortgage and can't find another, the whole thing spirals.

Governments investing only gets you so far and if they borrow to invest then that causes inflation. if you tax to invest, that triggers budget reduction.
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