Ladies first...

30 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
Today I had door held open for me on several occasions with 'ladies first' said to me by the man holding open the door. One time, a man behind said, ooo.. you cant do that these days!..


How lovely these gestures are..
Keep doing it guys.. and the offer to carry heavy bags, change flat tyre etc..
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What pees me off is when I hold a door open for people and instead of taking the door so I can let go they start filing through leaving me holding the door. Then they look miffed when I let it close on them.

yes me too and in the same vein when you are at the supermarket with a huge trolley of shopping and someone with two items stands behind you and so you let them through before youand maybe one other with a couple of items. Then everyone who comes to the queue looks at you as if 'are you not going to let me go first with my one item when tyou have loads... and youre there all day letting people in or you look like a mean git. :rolleyes:

I still like a bit of chivalry though... :LOL:
It pays to hold a door open for a woman...then you can have a sneaky look at their bum when they walk in... :evil:
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Both hubby and I try and teach my boys to let ladies through the door first and to always offer guests food/drinks first, starting with female guests.
It seems to be a touchy subject among some these days but we see it as manners.
At work, most of the men try to not swear as much when women are around.
Also, they tell their rude jokes using rude rather than crude words..

Little things but I quite like it.
I know many may shout me down for it.
It doesnt mean that I dont want to be treat as an equal...I do.

Im not a man though and I enjoy being a woman.. having a laugh and a joke with the boys is great fun at work ( and we can be as rude as the next man at times, thinking it even if we dont say it) but being different.
Different but equal.

I will continue to encourage my boys to be gentlemen and protective towards women.

Whats your language like when your out with female friends, as in do you's swear etc.. ?

PS not having a dig btw, women are worse than men so they say, :D
It depends on my friends, some swear more than others but not to excess and not loudly and not effing this that.
We are definately more graphic with our jokes and stories and language when on our own.
Women do seem to have more of an issue (or so I have found) in talking about their own 'bits' than men do.
A group of my pals and I went to see the vagina monologues for instance and it is quite true.. alot of women laugh and joke about sex but never about their own actual bits!!
It seems to be that (often after a glass of red) we will open up and once one starts with a funny tale or a question.... its none stop after that.
You are right though that we can be every bit as rude as men but I think (generalising big style here) that we dont tend to use as crude expressions when we describe things as men tend to.
(sorry if that is too broad guys)
We would certainly moderate our chat if men were present.

Also, I think that we laugh together about things that we would be embarrassed about infront of men.
It seems somehow safer to talk and laugh about certain things (especially embarrassing womens things) with other women who know!!!!

I have been out with a group of tipsy women when I was in an almost all women department and the poor guys really got it!!
Awful really because the other way round Im sorry to say, the girls would probably have taken the huff.
gas.. not sure what you mean ?
(I know what thirstier means but where did you get that from my post?)
C'mon, like a scotsman with a welly on his todger, I'm 'just f**kin a boot'. Avin a larf like. I thought the subject was Ladies thirst!!!
mark.. I have been up very early this morning for work so maybe that accounts for it?? dont know but I didnt get it hon. :rolleyes: :LOL:
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