Ladies first...

ha ! is signature new then, or am just not observant?
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toffee said:
Both hubby and I try and teach my boys to let ladies through the door first

Well I hope you teach any girls to look them in the eye and say "Thank you."

I hold doors open but those that ignore me are unlikely to have it done again.
I was brought up to be polite and will hold a door open for anyone be they male or female, what gets me are the ones that don't aknowledge you and just barge passed without even a thank you, same when you let someone out of a turning whilst driving, they just pull out without a wave or anything to say thanks.
kendor said:
I was brought up to be polite and will hold a door open for anyone be they male or female, what gets me are the ones that don't aknowledge you and just barge passed without even a thank you, same when you let someone out of a turning whilst driving, they just pull out without a wave or anything to say thanks.

This is why I have given up both practises.
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kendor said:
I was brought up to be polite and will hold a door open for anyone be they male or female, what gets me are the ones that don't aknowledge you and just barge passed without even a thank you, .

What I do in this case is to say "You're welcome" in a cheery tone. It always makes me laugh when they scurry off in embarrassment.
hermes said:
kendor said:
I was brought up to be polite and will hold a door open for anyone be they male or female, what gets me are the ones that don't aknowledge you and just barge passed without even a thank you, .

What I do in this case is to say "You're welcome" in a cheery tone. It always makes me laugh when they scurry off in embarrassment.

I used to do that but it became so frequent I just gave up.
oh guys.. please dont stop being polite and considerate.
Lead by example.

Im not meaning to sound like a goody goody and I get really p issed off with other peoples selfishness too!!!

But.. kind gestures are lovely and I always say thankyou.

I try to give a smile to as many people as I can and it is amazing how many smile back, even if initially grumpy!!

I know it is tiring and demoralising to get no thanks or worse.. indifference or abuse for what are good intentions...

but when you get a smile or a thank you.. does it not make it all worth while?
You are not very nice to me, Toffee. Smile please!

joe... if I was unkind to you or unfairly harsh... then I would apologise.

You say one thing then contradict it... so I cant even debate with you.
If you held a particular view for particular reasons and you were consistent in these views then I would try to debate our respective views and see if I could get you to see a different point of view.
Or.. if your reasons seemed valid for those views, I may change my views to mirror yours if I could see that I was wrong.

Or, I may have to agree to disagree.

You chop and change your views though... so it appears that you are trying to wind people up.

I alway's open door's for male & female, also give up my seat for women & O.A.P.'s, when walking i alway's make sure that i'm nearer the road than my wife( I get hit by car etc. first), and I hate seeing men &boy's wearing cap's or hat's indoor's. :)
toffee said:
We are definately more graphic with our jokes and stories and language when on our own..
Same goes, I believe, for the graffiti in women's toilets....
oh... dont know about that Ban...

will have to keep my eyes open next time.

I hate public loos.. very rarely clean.

On hols in scotland, I was amazed to see that there was a chrge to use the toilet! :eek:
Yet do it in the park and you could be arrested! :eek:
toffee said:
On hols in scotland, I was amazed to see that there was a chrge to use the toilet! :eek:

We only charge those people not from Scotland, because the bu**ers graffiti our walls :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Gary... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: and I thought it was because the scots were tight!! ;)

Rose isle toilets clean!! no charge.. no grafitti
toffee said:
Gary... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: and I thought it was because the scots were tight!! ;)

Well, that too :LOL:

toffee said:
Rose isle toilets clean!! no charge.. no grafitti

I suspect you made the same common mistake as most people who visit there - you took a dump in the tool shed :rolleyes: The toilets are next to that and 20p to get in :LOL: :LOL:
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