Lawyer jumps ship

All of this played out in a high-security environment (airport).
At the risk of sounding like Stanley Unwin, there are lots of factors and aspects to consider.

Lol. ;)
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I did skim through some parts, but he didn't seem to mention whether the attacker in blue was tasered? I'm sure I watched all the relevant bits.
yes by the female officer he'd just knocked to the ground with 5 punches. Not the one whose nose he'd just broken a few seconds before.

The officer that he was attacking at time had a side arm as well as taser.
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yes by the female officer he'd just knocked to the ground with 3 punches. Not the one who's nose he'd just broken a few seconds before.

That's what I saw, too. But this youtube guy doesn't seem to mention it in his "detailed" analysis. Which struck me as very strange. He just says "and then he falls over".
He's done about 3 videos on it. He's a knowledgeable Lawyer, I'm less interested in his martial arts commentary.
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The fact that he is in front of the copper, lying on the ground, not presenting any further threat at that moment.

And if he did, a better response would have been to discharge the tazer once more.

Were these police armed with more than tazers?
At that precise second what happens 5 seconds later .
yeah they were armed so perhaps he is lucky they never put a bullet in his head and you do realise a tazor takes a considerable time to recharge or change the battery which could be dropped etc
If they were armed with firearms, why didn't they unholster them?
The sad part about this whole incident, is that the police were undoubtedly confronted with a very violent situation, and that violence was directed towards them. However, it looks to me like the officer that kicked and stamped on the thug's head lost control and acted in a way that a policeman shouldn't, despite the provocation.

He'll no doubt either lose his job, or suffer some other internal sanction, which is a real shame. But it doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have lost control like that.
If they were armed with firearms, why didn't they unholster them?

They were dealing with thugs, not terrorists? Just a guess. I don't know anything about UK armed police and how they are trained to esclalate.
At that precise second what happens 5 seconds later .
yeah they were armed so perhaps he is lucky they never put a bullet in his head and you do realise a tazor takes a considerable time to recharge or change the battery which could be dropped etc
not to mention that he was zapped by a totally different officer, to the one who kicked him.
not to mention that he was zapped by a totally different officer, to the one who kicked him.

Why is that relevant? Do you mean that he maybe didn't realise the attacker in blue had been tasered because it was all so chaotic?
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