
Clegg will soon be given the elbow.

That will teach him to be a turncoat.
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Clegg will soon be given the elbow.

That will teach him to be a turncoat.

am i missing something here? i think he hasn't back tracked on his policies because he's not the PM, D.C. is the PM, if clegg had got in with a majority and then put up school fees that would have been back tracking, he's trying to achieve as much as posible with the limited power he has, if the A.V. had gone through we would have had more power as voters in the future to hopefully make a difference, AND please dont say it makes no difference which party is in because they are all the same, if thats the case then next time lets all vote for ukip or bnp
Maybe you missed what he did in relation to student fees, for one?
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Maybe you missed what he did in relation to student fees, for one?

are you telling me that clegg raised student fees, because i thought it was D.C. and the conservatives responsible for that
Maybe you missed what he did in relation to student fees, for one?

are you telling me that clegg raised student fees, because i thought it was D.C. and the conservatives responsible for that

Clegg was against the fees, but then supported their introduction.

YEAH BUT if that was what it was going to take to get a referendum on the way we vote then what else could he bargain with? the only critisism i have is he should have held out for proportional representation
What cost the Lib Dems the vote on AV was trust. People have seen how the Lib Dems have u-turned on their polices, so they are now concerned about what they would do if they formed a single government.

It will be another 70 years before the electorate trust them again.
so it seems to me that the electorate are cutting off their nose to spite their face, we had a chance to reform the way we vote and have thrown it away, so this means for the next 70 yrs we are saddled with the LABCONS and i'm wasting my time voteing for ukip so may as well just sit at home next time round and conserve my carbon imprint, or put my name down and run as a bnp candidate
so it seems to me that the electorate are cutting off their nose to spite their face, we had a chance to reform the way we vote and have thrown it away, so this means for the next 70 yrs we are saddled with the LABCONS and i'm wasting my time voteing for ukip so may as well just sit at home next time round and conserve my carbon imprint, or put my name down and run as a bnp candidate

Oh Dear

reform the vote and still get the same idiots and more rubbish coaltions

The one good thing is bonkers parties like UKIP and BNP wil remain mariginalised and rightly so
spacecat i dont always agree with you but on this occasion you hit the nail on the head when you say "the same idiots" i trust you're refering to maggi thatcher and tony blair etc. etc. dont you think its time for change, and is the bnp still the rascist party that they are made out to be, can a leopard change its spots? look at sinn fienn, surely what they are doing is far better than what was happening was it 10yrs ago? and dont get me wrong i am not compareing S.F. to the bnp
I happen to think that in parliament, anything which requires a vote from MP's should be a free vote. Get rid of the party whip system. MP's are there to represent their constituents, not party policy. They should be allowed to vote with their conscience, not because DC. NC or EM say what way they should vote.
The way an MP votes, should be published so we the electorate can see what policies, etc our MP supports and which ones he/she doesn't.
Finally. All bills etc which require a vote, should be with all MP's voting. None of this staying away, just so a bill can be defeated/blocked.
@ Pred

I think the BNP is the 'political' face of a very nasty bunch of racist individuals...............the EDL are likely worse

I dont think the BNP can be compared in any shape or form to SINN FEIN

my honest opinion not flame bait
I happen to think that in parliament, anything which requires a vote from MP's should be a free vote. Get rid of the party whip system. MP's are there to represent their constituents, not party policy. They should be allowed to vote with their conscience, not because DC. NC or EM say what way they should vote.
The way an MP votes, should be published so we the electorate can see what policies, etc our MP supports and which ones he/she doesn't.
Finally. All bills etc which require a vote, should be with all MP's voting. None of this staying away, just so a bill can be defeated/blocked.

JJ your making a lot of sense here so you've crtainly got my vote, also i've just realised, maybe the MPs should be setting the voters a good example, perhaps then there would be a better turn out for the elections, also if they dont turn out to vote the MPs should be penelised for not carrying out the job that we elected them for, three strikes and they're out!
Equally, Sinn Fein is the political face of what were quite literally terrorists. And in no way can be compared to the BNP/EDL.
Let's face it, although Adams and McGuinness , never took their seats at the House of Commons, they still claimed thousands of pounds in expenses. ;) ;)
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