pred said:
he hasn't back tracked on his policies because he's not the PM, D.C. is the PM, if clegg had got in with a majority and then put up school fees that would have been back tracking, he's trying to achieve as much as posible with the limited power he has
Well done that man; I was wondering who would spot that first!
The Libdems didn't win the election; they came third. Nick Clegg is in no position to dictate policy. The best he can do is limit the damage that a majority Conservative government might have brought about.
He was on the Andrew Marr show yesterday telling us that, in future, he would have to be a lot more vociferous on this score. Sorry Nick but you should have thought of that a bit earlier.
But his biggest mistake was going into coalition in the first place. There are a lot of fickle voters out there. The number who ditched their local councillors for the perceived sins of Westminster politicians is proof of that.
Contrary to popular belief, Libdems are not a half-way house between Labour and Conservative (there are very few Labour-Libdem marginals). They're the other opposition to any Conservative government and that's why Conservatives are dead against any change to the voting system, because their MPs are fighting on two fronts.
Nick should have kept his distance and let DC form a minority government. I've heard the arguments against minority governments - about how they're weak and can't get anything done - but I like the idea of a government that has to tread carefully. Without big majorities, the milk snatcher couldn't have sold us out to the money grubbers and Slimy Tony couldn't have dragged us into an illegal war.
If you want a strong government that gets things done, get yourself a dictator!
joinerjohn said:
I happen to think that in parliament, anything which requires a vote from MP's should be a free vote. Get rid of the party whip system. MP's are there to represent their constituents, not party policy. They should be allowed to vote with their conscience, not because DC. NC or EM say what way they should vote.
Redoubled in No Trumps!
I see Ed Milibland, is now pleading with disgruntled Lib Dem MP's to jump into political bed with Labour.
Too late mate. Nick offered Labour a coalition right from day one but was turned down and, if my memory is correct, the stumbling block was Gordon who wouldn't stand down. Nice one Gordon. You failed to call an election when you had the chance then threw away your party's last chance to stay in power. What a plonker!