Liberal Democrats: a complete joke!!!!!?

We had, and will always have a large underclass of people in the UK, we didn't need the flood gates opened to enlarge it.

Perhaps you mean we need them as cheap labour and a government that brought us the mimimum wage realised they needed illegal immergrants to keep some employers in business.
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Now you're cooking on gas.

Take London hotels, restaurants etc. If they paid minimum wage they'd have to raise their prices and tourists would be deterred from coming here. Less tourism equals less revenue for the government.
THAT is the reason that NO political party will ever attempt to stop illegal immigration.
Not all immigrants are murderers and rapists. Many work for the NHS.

I wasn't claiming that immigrants were murderers or rapists...I was saying, if we are forgiving certain criminals, why draw the line?

Why not have all criminals given amnesty??

If your argument of 'If you can't stop it completely, just go with it' comes into play, we can't STOP let's just have an amnesty on it every month or two...would stop us having to try and catch them woulcn't it.

Thank you for bending over and letting the Sun shine on us this weekend.

Joe-90's post isn't silly - it's quite practical - after all, how has this Government managed to stop illegals coming into the country?
Now don't get me wrong, the illegals already in our country aren't going to go to the Government and hold their hands up - that wouldn't be pragmatic would it?
Would it prevent other foreign nationals coming to our country? - nope.
Do we need foreign labour - yes. Whether it be farm workers, Chinese restaurant workers or skilled labour, this country needs them. But and a really big but, this MUST be controlled.

What would Cameron do? - give them tax breaks and make the dodgy illegals even richer.
You told Joe-90 to get real - go do the same numpty
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The UK needs its illegal immigrants. Every government knows this. They fulfil a function. They are an underclass and all societies have them.

You are going round and round and round in circles...

You say society needs illegals but then advocate making the illegals NOT illegal...make up your mind will you!
Now you're cooking on gas.

Take London hotels, restaurants etc. If they paid minimum wage they'd have to raise their prices and tourists would be deterred from coming here. Less tourism equals less revenue for the government.
THAT is the reason that NO political party will ever attempt to stop illegal immigration.

...if they get caught with illegals they will instantly lose all the money they would have saved for YEARS and YEARS. They may also be it isn't worth it for the business. Secondly, the government HATES illegals because 1) They are untraceable 2) they do not pay tax.
Do we need foreign labour - yes. Whether it be farm workers, Chinese restaurant workers or skilled labour, this country needs them. But and a really big but, this MUST be controlled.

What would Cameron do? - give them tax breaks and make the dodgy illegals even richer.
You told Joe-90 to get real - go do the same numpty

So let me get this are suggesting ILLEGALS...who therefore DON'T pay tax...or NI and their employer's don't pay employer NI for...will be given a tax BREAK...?

Read that again, let that sink in.

People who DON'T PAY TAX...given a TAX make them richer.

And you are telling ME to get real. This is like talking to a toddler about politics.

Secondly, yes we ned foreign labour...but we need LEGAL foreign labour.
The fact that we are an island used to make a big difference, until the channel funnel was built and vans loads starting coming through making English drivers rich with back-handers.

An amnesty would send a clear message that our country may do it again and again, and again…

This is what happened in Germany and Italy, if proof were needed, and so the immigrants still kept coming in hope of the next amnesty.

Incidentally, I think it would be an asset to have a polyglot as a leader; like other European leaders are...
This party are a joke and Mr Clegg is a very rude man as he continually interrupted David Cameron last night on the debate again and again.
Lib Dems have no real policies, and Mick Clegg is a rude a**hole, as noticed on he debate.
I'm sorry but I have to say that sometimes, especially when you’re the underdog, the only way to be heard is to bark louder or bite. ;)

I've seen the other two parties do it too in their time.

So, (with respect to you both), I don't think it's fair to level that type of behaviour only at Clegg.
Now you're cooking on gas.

Take London hotels, restaurants etc. If they paid minimum wage they'd have to raise their prices and tourists would be deterred from coming here. Less tourism equals less revenue for the government.
THAT is the reason that NO political party will ever attempt to stop illegal immigration.

...if they get caught with illegals they will instantly lose all the money they would have saved for YEARS and YEARS. They may also be it isn't worth it for the business. Secondly, the government HATES illegals because 1) They are untraceable 2) they do not pay tax.

Stop being silly. If I were given the job of catching illegals I'd start off with spot checks every month or two on ALL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and CONTRACT CLEANERS. I would impose a £10,000 MANDATORY fine on employers.

It would stop their employment overnight. No money, no dole - better move on then.

It's quite clear that the governments WANT an underclass to keep prices down.
The fact that we are an island used to make a big difference, until the channel funnel was built and vans loads starting coming through making English drivers rich with back-handers.

An amnesty would send a clear message that our country may do it again and again, and again…

This is what happened in Germany and Italy, if proof were needed, and so the immigrants still kept coming in hope of the next amnesty.

Incidentally, I think it would be an asset to have a polyglot as a leader; like other European leaders are...

Italy give regular amnesties - so the illegals can then travel to the UK on a Euro passport. What's the point in not having an amnesty here when they only have to hang around in Italy for a few years?
If I understood you correctly Joe, the only way it would work is if all countries in the EU stop giving amnesties and simply hunt these people down to deport them whilst at the same time tightening all border controls? It’s doable but there just isn’t the political will, or money.

California has both the will and the money yet the same thing has been going on at the Mexican border since forever, just as it does today, so what chance do we have?

It’s funny really because in the early days we were regarded as racist for objecting to the foreign invasion and so we let every Tom, Dick and Hamsa in. Now there is a swell of opinion against these ‘foreigners’ but instead we call it illegal immigration. Maybe this is food for thought...

"Contempt for foreign workers has its source in fear of the unknown, but also in the need to hand over to someone else work that is perceived as lacking in respect and which is difficult, tiring or dirty. This contempt, which is always liable to lead to revolt, constitutes a refusal to look in the mirror." Rami Saari
Now you're cooking on gas.

Take London hotels, restaurants etc. If they paid minimum wage they'd have to raise their prices and tourists would be deterred from coming here. Less tourism equals less revenue for the government.
THAT is the reason that NO political party will ever attempt to stop illegal immigration.

...if they get caught with illegals they will instantly lose all the money they would have saved for YEARS and YEARS. They may also be it isn't worth it for the business. Secondly, the government HATES illegals because 1) They are untraceable 2) they do not pay tax.

Stop being silly. If I were given the job of catching illegals I'd start off with spot checks every month or two on ALL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and CONTRACT CLEANERS. I would impose a £10,000 MANDATORY fine on employers.

It would stop their employment overnight. No money, no dole - better move on then.

It's quite clear that the governments WANT an underclass to keep prices down. yawn...
The government brought in a minimum wage...why would they do that if they wanted to keep wages lower?

the link is to information for some of the prosecutions....averages out about 5k per person. ...still think the government is ENCOURAGING illegal immigration??
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