JD - interesting. I used tinternet for kW - is yours a more modern eco thing? Doesn't have a drier element as well?
The tabs we use are double that price. Finish something or other.
Just checked our machine:
The Eco programme is no good though, we have tried it. We use one hotter and longer.
It has a fancy zeolite drying system which may be free but leaves things drippy so the "extra dry" button gets pressed too, so it'll be over 1kWhr. I suspect 1.5kWhr would be right for us.
Good to see the cost isn't as high as maybe it was, or whatever , esp for those trimming power use. Washing up reminds me of being a student!
Not sure what has changed in w-up liquid. Remember the days when the cheap stuff worked really well but took the skin off your hands??
"For hands that do dishes are as soft as your face...Mild Green Fairly liquid...." Well whatever Fairy had, they all have now, because none of them is as good at cleaning motorbikes as the cheap stinky stuff used to be.