Live zero line: √

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
3.Live zero and live line wiring detection: in LIVE mode, insert the meter head into the hole to judge the zero and live line display H with beep, and the zero line has no response.
The instructions are in small print, so near impossible to read, it seems the function is to detect which live terminal is line, and should show ---H for line, and LIVE for neutral, however I get ---H for both, has anyone used a multimeter with this function before.

ANENG A3005 is the meter I have been given.
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Is that instruction in English? It might be clearer to some in the original language(Chinese?) :)
What's the difference between this and a neon screwdriver?
I would say the meter is not as good, now scanned instructions which say
seems odd to say LIVE for neutral and ---H for line, but that is what the instructions say. Also a non contact volts range
which I also have with my clamp on, but instructions seem wrong, it shows with both meters -, --, ---, or ---- and the LED and sound increase with flashing rate as it shows more - across the display. Same idea as volt pen, but it shows 5 levels no detection it shows EF. Both clamp on meter and pen meter are the same with that, so use to that function.

But not seen this 'firewire' function before. 1725488131502.png hence asking if anyone else has come across it. I have an adaptor like this
which is about the only way to access live outlet, earth shows LIVE (no volt) and both Line and Neutral show ---H I managed to open shutters on an extension lead with same result, but line and neutral both show ---H.

It is not a function I really want to use, not sure why my wife got it for me, the clamp on does most of what I want so really no point in having a second small meter. I do like the NCV range, but this 'firewire' seems useless.
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Is that instruction in English? It might be clearer to some in the original language(Chinese?) :)
I have not learnt either Chinese languages Cantonese or Mandarin, although have been told both written the same, and also Japaneses similar but less characters. Even translating English to Welsh causes problems, often no direct translation. But why it shows ---H on the neutral don't know.
Knowing my wife, very likely a freebe, from Temu. I do like the non contact voltage testing, the four stage testing makes it easier to work out which wire is line. It is a PEN tester, with many functions, and for the 'firewire' not to work the way the instructions seem to indicate it should work, does not distract from the other functions.

But today it seems we need a course in meter reading, I have a smart meter, press and hold the one button and one can then get so much info, but not the off peak rate, holding the other button for two seconds and then pressing the first button gives you off peak rate. One wonders why designed that way?

My first multi-meter I destroyed by selecting wrong range
meters have move on since then, even the latter meter
I could not read what today is shown on my PC
reading 245.7 volt would need a suppressed zero voltmeter. As to why one needs to know to four significant figures the voltage I don't know? I do have one old clamp-on which will measure frequency, used it to set up generators, but not used it much.

The idea of checking an ES lamp holder has centre pin to line, seems good, but I would simply unplug and use ohm range, so not really required. And I still have one of these
the use of which has alerted me of a borrowed neutral. Yes we could use the clamp on to see if any current flowing, but borrowed neutrals are rare, so one tends not to bother, and using the screwdriver function anyway so the added neon is a good safety feature.
Oh my oh my, 12p + £1.69 p+p on alibaba
To be fair I think you were taken in by their interesting pricing display. That was probably if you just select the leads. It is rarely less than around £5 on Ali-express, if you select the meter and leads.
To be fair I think you were taken in by their interesting pricing display. That was probably if you just select the leads. It is rarely less than around £5 on Ali-express, if you select the meter and leads.
No that was actually the meter, leads are extra and more than the 12p.
Do you have a link?
I've just looked in my history and one of the 3 is coming up as not found, the other 2 are around £5 so either it's sadly been withdrawn or price has amended.
The note I made at the time:
3005 12p 169
3005 & L 543
case 114
lead 24p

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