Just to report back. Took the rad off today, took into garden and blasted it out with hose, there was some gunk in there, some black stuff, but not loads and after a couple of blasts with the hose water came out clean. The rad is a double panel rad with two bleed valves, one of which was corroded and managed to free that up and get it moving again. I then with bucket in hand opened up the TRV valve and a load of brown cruddy water shot into the bucket and then did the same on the lockshield side with same result, I did that a couple of times and the water seemed to come through cleaner. I did have all other rads switched off at the lockvalve and had the boiler running just to blast it through, not sure if this was a good thing to do, but only did it for a few seconds on each valve and kept clear of the hot water. After that switched CH off and reattached rad, turned on both valves and bled the radiator, put the CH back on and hey presto rad hot, this also seemed to fix the second rad which wasn't working so that was good.
To be honest I am not sure what fixed the problem, although the water was a bit cruddy it wasn't that bad. I am wondering whether it was the second bleed valve that was corroded, I couldn't bleed from that one when I first looked at the problem only the first one...
Anyway thanks to all for your help on this, particularly terryplumb