I need to convert my loft hatch to a flip down and ladder as its currently the old school push up with a step ladders.
I've seen kits online with hinges and locking mechanism.
Question is how to I make the current hatch fit. I've been advised by some that I can keep the hatch at its current size and simply remove these 'stoppers' which I've arrowed in green, which will then allow the hatch to swing down freely once hinged.
before I try and make a mess has anyone else done this?
I need to convert my loft hatch to a flip down and ladder as its currently the old school push up with a step ladders.
I've seen kits online with hinges and locking mechanism.
Question is how to I make the current hatch fit. I've been advised by some that I can keep the hatch at its current size and simply remove these 'stoppers' which I've arrowed in green, which will then allow the hatch to swing down freely once hinged.
before I try and make a mess has anyone else done this?