Sorry, I know there are many threads on this, especially this time of year.
We recently boarded the centre section of our attic using loft legs and added a further 170mm of insulation to the existing 100mm between the joists. I made sure to leave a gap around the edges.
Up there yesterday and lots of condensation Drips on the boarding and boxes. Cleaned up some of it.
Have since realized that the previous owner had new uPVC soffits fitted before selling and there are no vents on them. Suspect they have fit these over the existing. I am really struggling to get a full view of the soffit via the loft, but my plan was to cut a few holes into the soffits from below - check to see if the loft is visible - then fit disc vents. This will likely be done from bedroom and bathroom windows, unless I can get a good ladder next weekend. Plan on 2 at the front and 2 at the rear of the house.
I'm also going to get a pack of 10 felt vents and fit these.
Hoping this will help the situation but would welcome any thoughts on it
We recently boarded the centre section of our attic using loft legs and added a further 170mm of insulation to the existing 100mm between the joists. I made sure to leave a gap around the edges.
Up there yesterday and lots of condensation Drips on the boarding and boxes. Cleaned up some of it.
Have since realized that the previous owner had new uPVC soffits fitted before selling and there are no vents on them. Suspect they have fit these over the existing. I am really struggling to get a full view of the soffit via the loft, but my plan was to cut a few holes into the soffits from below - check to see if the loft is visible - then fit disc vents. This will likely be done from bedroom and bathroom windows, unless I can get a good ladder next weekend. Plan on 2 at the front and 2 at the rear of the house.
I'm also going to get a pack of 10 felt vents and fit these.
Hoping this will help the situation but would welcome any thoughts on it