Its mostly gang on gang violence, mostly youth and mostly black or mixed race heritage. Violence is a cultural thing, I honestly don't believe that social inequalities are to blame for it. Crime and poverty are often bed fellows, true. But these people are not in poverty. Central heating, smart phones, access to affordable food, this is not poverty. What they may lack is responsible parents, although this may not be true either.
Ultimately the met should not spend any money on anti-knife or anti-gun propaganda. The money is better spent on rewarding youth that want a future for themselves. Bad behaviour should not be rewarded. If these people want to kill each other, let them.
Ultimately the met should not spend any money on anti-knife or anti-gun propaganda. The money is better spent on rewarding youth that want a future for themselves. Bad behaviour should not be rewarded. If these people want to kill each other, let them.