Look what Merkel has started!!

15 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
I was amazed when Merkel made that statement about accepting refugees and you average German was shocked but this is doing the rounds on social media and the press are trying to keep a lid on it
I wonder how long before Germans will bring Merkel to the gallows?
Here is another groundbreaking news story the media won’t report. Tens of thousands in Dresden protested against the Muslim invasion of Europe.
PEGIDA Dresden 28.09.15

There is a virtual media blackout on these demos. Upwards of 20,000 people gathered on Monday to protest against the “Islamization of the West” and the current invasion of Europe.

PEGIDA Dresden 28.09.15

This rally on Monday took place in Germany. Chancellor Merkel has said Germany will accept 1,000,000 migrants.

You will see more of this. As the EU and political elites continue to pursue the demise of Europe, I predict civil war.
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Population of Syria 22 million.
Population of Iraq 33 million
Population of Libya 6 million.

Merkel has invited them all to move to Europe.
Oddly enough, they all seem to be accepting the offer.
The bad news for the UK is that when they are accepted and get their papers - they can travel anywhere in Europe under 'freedom of movement'.
If you were an English speaking migrant, would you stay in Germany and learn German? Or just hop over to Britain. I bet you'd hop.
Not only that, there's be no protests here. Just benefits and a Council house.
These rallies were sort of mentioned by the BBC but they inferred that the protestors were Nazis.
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In 1929 Hitler was considered a joke figure. A harmless fruit-loop. You know what happens when mankind doesn't learn history's lessons.
In 1929 Hitler was considered a joke figure. A harmless fruit-loop. You know what happens when mankind doesn't learn history's lessons.

With what's going on there now, the poor bloke must be turning in his grave.
The Jerrys have laid waste to Europe on two occasions in recent history. This time, they're going to completely destroy Europe. There's no going back and there won't be the opportunity to rebuild and move on as happened after the two WWs.

When I visited Cologne 8 years ago, they already had big problems with the areas where the Turks live, who have migrated to Germany in big numbers. The Germans thought this was a good idea to get instant cheap labour for their booming industry, but at a big cost in crime and social problems. The Turkish Ghettos are, surprise, surprise, no-go areas for the police and the locals are wary of the behaviour of the large and predominantly male Turkish people. Basically, the Jerrys don't learn, as they keep importing the wrong sort of people if they are hoping to build on their economy.
Listening to the speaker addressing the crowds in the middle of the first video could, he could almost have been The Fuhrer addressing the rallies 80 years ago. I have no faith in politicians or the Eurocrats who would inflict this on the populations, but every faith in the German people to do the 'right' thing. The right wing in The UK is too scattered and oppressed to have any affect, and the rest of The UK population are a dead loss.

Ultimately, we should take our cues and influence from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Rep. and Poland. Their politicians still appear to be operating for the interests of their own peoples and their own countries. It appears that the larger the economies and illusiory prosperity of certain countries (Germany, UK, France, Sweden), the more likely the politicians and big business are to sacrifice their countries in the name of money.
Some excellent points above, with which I agree completely.
Herr Merkel isn't alone, of course. There are many others who benefit (in the short term) from cheap labour. They'll reap the rewards for as long as they can, then probably bugger off to America or elsewhere when their country sinks below tolerable levels.

I'm afraid that the suggestion that nothing can now be done about the problem may be true. Once they are here (or in Germany, or other country stupid enough to have welcomed them in) I can't imagine that the army of naive do-gooders would ever allow them to be deported. They will stay. And it's not just the large numbers; they will continue what has already started - the irrevocable changes to our society and even our laws.

I'm just relieved at my good fortune that I'll not be here to suffer the ensuing disaster.
The big problem for Europe at the moment is that Russia has joined in the fray over Syria - on the wrong side. This puts Russia/America head on, and if it gets nasty, thanks to Trident, we are automatically embroiled; and there is a nuclear missile pointing your way right this very moment.
Secondly, if the IS fighters get captured they will simply be shot. They won't survive. Therefore, the most likely scenario is that if they lose the military campaign, they put civilian clothes on and head for Europe. Unfortunately, they won't leave their sick ideology behind, so you end up with many thousands of terrorists in your midst. Basically, we've just constructed a Trojan Horse on a gargantuan scale. Well done Mrs Merkel.
I'm just relieved at my good fortune that I'll not be here to suffer the ensuing disaster.
I used to think that JBR because I thought it would happen in maybe 20-30 years time but after the recent fiasco, I fear it will happen much much sooner.
Most likely London first, which won't bother me too much until it creeps up northward! Before then, of course, there could be some very interesting events happening in our capital.
there is a nuclear missile pointing your way right this very moment.
You been reading your favourite news paper again...?

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