Merkel. .........the rise of the far right thanks to her idiocy

On Notch Planet, State control and intervention = far left policies.

You've already told us that.

The yougov link I posted, puts renationalisation under the 'radical left policy' column.

It seems Notch and yougov are on the same planet.

JohnD lives on that other planet. The one with the forest of money trees :):):)
It may have been, two years ago!

from your link.

And now weve gone round in a circle, back to Corbyn trying to misrepresent his party as centreground.

And still with John Mcdonbell and Seamus Milne both extreme left, and with key positions in the Corbyn camp.
It's difficult for poor old notch.

He wants to say "State control and intervention = far left policies."

but when 60% of the population support it, it isn't "far" anything.

And when 42% of Conservatives support it, can you really even call it left?

If you're not barmy, I mean.

It's the majority of the population as a whole.

I suppose notch, being one of the Rabid Right, wants to frighten people at the thought of public spending, fair tax, and public ownership of public services.

But they aren't frightened.

He is.
And therein lies the beauty of politics. You can get the right wing to agree with left wing policies when a situation become unnaceptable to the greater mass, but that doesn't mean that they aren't left wing policies all the same. If the utility companies hadn't got too big for their boots, and weren't overcharging, as well as being in foreign hands, then the right would just tell the left where to go with such ideas.
And back to the shifting of what/where the center ground is. :rolleyes:

No. Corbyn is trying to dupe the public into believing he is now centre ground.

He is a life long anti establishment, hard left socialist.

Remember his tweet about Fidel Castro? 'A champion of social justice' :):):)
No. Corbyn is trying to dupe the public into believing he is now centre ground.

He is a life long anti establishment, hard left socialist.

Remember his tweet about Fidel Castro? 'A champion of social justice' :):):)
Your opinion against a proven case of the center of political gravity shifting.
Because someone is towards the hard left of politics, at some time in the past, but the ground shifts, they become just an average left leaning politician.
Indeed, even Mrs May has shifted left in order to regain popularity.
So it is not possible to be a life-long anything.
Your beliefs may not change, but as the ground shifts, your relative position shifts, and there is no much that you can do about it, except to move your beliefs even further to the extremes.
John Mcdonnell -far left
Seamus Milne -extreme left

Nasty people.
The labour party seems to attract them like flies to schitt these days.
̶N̶a̶z̶i̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ . Nasty party.
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She is becoming the master of U-turns

Master, or Mistress, or would that be politically incorrect, and bring up unnerving thoughts.

Totally right though Wannabe, she's twisted and turned so much, that Boris is starting to look mor solid.

And those policies that you've highlited do nothing constructive whatsoever. The initial help to buy scheme pushed up house prices, but the latest one seems to be a bit of a damp squid, and deferring the level at which students start paying back their loans, just adds more interest to the debt, and increases the overall amount that still doesn't get paid off after thirty years; and will they extend or bring down that period as the next desperate step.
Theresa is rock solid and hasn't changed a bit. Her only principle is to get to the top and stay as long as she can. Nothing else matters. Not her government, not her party, not the country. Not the taxpayers. Not the homophobes and creationist bigots. Not even the fox-hunters and the ivory-traders. She will say and do whatever it takes. And it will work until the day the supply of people willing to put up with her dries up


That day is getting closer.