Low Disc Space Warning

Bahco, what is on your recovery drive?
Generally they should not be used for any personal files, only the recovery data + some free space to allow re installation.

Your recovery data should be read only and you cannot move it, other applications or data that have subsequently been placed on there should not and need moving.

Are you able to use Windows Explorer, expand your D: drive and use the snipping tool (look in accessories) to take a pic of the drive & post it here?
We will be able to tell you what can be moved.

Although if there are folders with xxx and bigboobies in the name then we will know what you have been doing :)
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None of that should be there.

You should have all those folders on your C: drive also.

What within them?
Can you rename them by sticking a number at the start\end and see if everything still works
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Recovery files are often read only & hidden.
Mine are read and execute. Can't stand MS (ob) security why couldnt they have used unix stylee security? So much simpler and no less secure.
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