LS120 drive - the future?!

23 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom
I had a LS120 drive which stopped working (about 5 years ago) and I have one disc this produced which I now cannot read. I don't want to renew my LS120 drive but I want to know what I have on the disc and ideally have it copied onto a CD. Is there anyone out there who could do this for me?
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It's quite some time since I came on this forum and now I remember the reason why I got fed up of it.
Its answers like this last one. Too many smart @rse replies that do nothing other massage the inflated ego of those posting such insults.
I'm surprised that the mods still let this kind of thing go on.
I stand by what I said.
Posting a google link is a juvenile and unhelpful response. Me-thinks a sad little guy...inflated ego surpassed only by size of opinion.
I stand by what I said.
Posting a google link is a juvenile and unhelpful response. Me-thinks a sad little guy...inflated ego surpassed only by size of opinion.

I think I have to agree (with the not very useful bit).
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i merely asked if the op had or had not tried google, since unless i ask, how am i to know, if i wanted to be sarcastic i would have posted the crystal ball picture.

so it looks like the mods have shot themseleves in the foot again
His question was "Is there anyone out there who could do this for me?"

From that, one must assume he is asking if anyone here has such a device that he could possibly send the media to. I also assume you don't have such a device, so the post was unhelpful.
so it looks like the mods have shot themseleves in the foot again

Yes, I am quite sure they are losing valuable sleep over their decision. Man you really do need to lighten up. It's just an online forum
Fred, if the LS120 is an old drive, join your local Freecycle group and post a WANTED for one.

Someone may well have on that they will gladly give to you.
I know all sorts of old PC stuff is on there.

Although chances are when you actually look at whats on the disk your likely to say, "nah its rubbish - dont want it anyway" :D

Also asking on your "local to you" community forums may find someone closer to you where you can nip round & have a look.
I may be able to help, I think I have one in my stockpile of bits somewhere.

Shame the LS-120 never took off, the Iomega Zip drives superceded them fairly quickly.

If I can find it, you can have it.
Thank you to those who have tried to help. I do know that LS120 drives are available and I did buy one once and tried to instal it but made such a mess of the job that I wrecked it, hence I have no confidence in trying that route again. What I am looking for is someone who has an LS 120 drive working on their computer and who would be willing to read my disc and pass the results back to me in some form, reasonable costs to be reimbursed.
If there is such a thing as an external LS 120 which would plug in to a USB port that would also be an option, but I doubt it.
In case it helps, I have a machine with a working LS-120 drive.

They didn't take off because external hard drives got big, cheap, and easy.

Then off-site storage became realistic.

Then USB flash sticks appeared.
In case it helps, I have a machine with a working LS-120 drive.

They didn't take off because external hard drives got big, cheap, and easy.

Then off-site storage became realistic.

Then USB flash sticks appeared.

"Softus", thanks for your offer, I have tried to send you a message - fredjenkinson
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