Lucy Letby......More revelations.

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The Doctor referred to, describes the Lawyers words as...

"unsubstantiated, unfounded, inaccurate"​

He appears to be objecting to being regarded as unreliable. But that is exactly what the position would be if you changed your mind.
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The Doctor referred to, describes the Lawyers words as...

"unsubstantiated, unfounded, inaccurate"​

Pretty hard hitting criticism from the expert about LL's barrister who is offering a legal view on the consultant publicly changing his view on some of the causes of death.
Only if some substantial new evidence appears, and I suspect the doctor's change of mind, might adequately fit the bill.
The change of mind seems to be on the basis that LL is guilty, but could there be another explanation like poor standards at the hospital, or a statistical error. The fact there is no evidence to point to anyone else's guilt does not mean she must be guilty. I don't think the CA will reopen the case but as MBK says it is a step in the process to get the case reviewed by the review commission. They have a 66 per cent success rate of cases referred. My guess is she will ultimately succeed but it will take a very long time because people would rather keep an innocent person in prison than risk releasing a guilty one. Until then of course she remains guilty.
Personally I think society is better having guilty people walk free, than one single person in prison who is innocent.
It was always going to be difficult for Letby to find expert witnesses in the establishment to counter testify those presenting the prosecutions case. Who's going to bite the hand that feeds.
I am sitting on the fence. I was surprised she was convicted on so much circumstantial evidence.
She was a nurse. she is hardly going to be caught with a smoking gun, apart from the occasion when a Childs parents walked into the room while she was attempting to do the deed.
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