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Lock them all up - they are all culpable.
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But that's the whole point.

Why throw millions of pounds into an investigation and Europe wide search for a child snatcher when it's almost certain that no abduction ever took place?

So what's your theory then?

Accidental fatal overdose of sedatives. Frantic cover up in the missing half hour before they raised the alarm - because they knew they'd be struck off as doctors if the truth came to light.

Once the lie was told there was then no alternative but to continue with it.

I'm very much afraid that Maddie's body went into the sea on the same night this all started.
unlikely a body would have washed away, it would most likely have come back again maybe fruther down the coast.. I am myself not entirely convinced but a lot of that is to do with the media frenzy and not the actual case.
If i killed my daughter unintentionally, the last thing id' being thinking is of my career. And she certainly wouldn't be thrown in the sea.
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But that's the whole point.

Why throw millions of pounds into an investigation and Europe wide search for a child snatcher when it's almost certain that no abduction ever took place?

So what's your theory then?

Accidental fatal overdose of sedatives. Frantic cover up in the missing half hour before they raised the alarm - because they knew they'd be struck off as doctors if the truth came to light.

Once the lie was told there was then no alternative but to continue with it.

I'm very much afraid that Maddie's body went into the sea on the same night this all started.

What a load of tosh.
If that were true the mc canns wouldn't keep on whipping up media frenzies to try and find their daughter.
They would be wanting to let sleeping dogs lie.
Anybody who thinks the McCans could kill their own daughter, dispose of the body in panic conditions, then go on to avoid detection from one of the largest police investigations whilst being scrutinized by the entire world media, must be either as thick as pig swill or bereft of a brain

Honestly, what some people are easily led to believe is astonishing. It is no accident conspiracy theories are spoon fed to and readily believed by the retarded imbecile masses. :rolleyes:

To leave your children alone and out of sight is hard to fathom.
To leave your children alone and out of sight is hard to fathom.
Indeed. The real tragedy is that we have to partly assume the worst (third party) scenarios when considering how much autonomy to give our children.
our lives are completely about risk.... from the minute you're conceived, there's a chance something will go wrong. As adults, we usually measure risk quite well... i don't know all the facts, but have seen drawings of the location of the McCanns room in relation to the restaurant/bar, and the different parents took it in turns to go and check on the kids. What they did is NOT something i would've done... but that said, you literally can't have one eye on your kids all the time... and if Maddie hadn't been taken, the McCann's actions would've meant nothing.

So it's the perpetrators that have turned this into something evil, not the McCanns. And as much as you try, you can't protect everyone all the time....

It's a bit like trying to secure your house, you can lock the door, put a chain on, get cctv, and an alarm, and a dog.... but if the crim wants in bad enough, they'll use a JCB !!!
You don't leave your kids locked in a room - they were just babies.
If a council tenant had done it and gone off for a shag they would be jailed. Just because the celeb doctors want to go off wife swapping it's all ok.

It's not OK.
And as much as you try, you can't protect everyone all the time....

The one time when you should be able to protect your kids is when they're in bed asleep and you know exactly where they are. :rolleyes:
You don't leave your kids locked in a room - they were just babies.
If a council tenant had done it and gone off for a s**g they would be jailed. Just because the celeb doctors want to go off wife swapping it's all ok.

It's not OK.

pathetic Joe...
The bottom line is that the parents fooked up. As a consequence, a whole load more parents have made damned sure that they don't fook up and children on the whole are a lot more protected than before.

There's nothing that anyone on here could say that would make the McCanns feel any worse for the error of their ways than they will feel every single day of their lives.
And as much as you try, you can't protect everyone all the time....

The one time when you should be able to protect your kids is when they're in bed asleep and you know exactly where they are. :rolleyes:

rubbish... you should be able to protect them at all times.... apart from when you hand over care to teachers, or grandparents etc...

The point is, sometimes you have to go to the toilet, or run after one child across the supermarket carpark, and leave the other in the trolley by your car... life deals problems like this..that's the measure of risk...
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