Mains Isolation Switch - in external white box

If you are on your own working in your own house, then a lock off may not be necessary. But some relative may return home, find the lights aren’t working, inspect the CU and reset the MCB assuming it had tripped.
It’s your gamble…
Does switching off at the Fused Spur meet the safe isolation requirements? I thought it required a lock-off. Or are we still talking about the real-world :)
No it doesn’t, but I know that I’m safe as if I’m replacing a pcb, the customer would have to physically move me out of the way to turn it back on. Ordinarily, it would require a lock off, to suit safe isolation procedures, but the pcb could be fitted by the time I’ve ar5ed about.
EDF will be fitting my mains isolator switch next week but have just informed me that I will need a "private electrician" to complete the process. The lady that phoned was unable to give me any more info and I was unable to speak to their technicians.

I can only assume that they will connect the incoming tails into the new isolator switch but not connect the tails that head off to my consumer unit. Does anyone know what state they will leave me in and is it a case of safe isolation and screwing in the current tails that head off to the existing consumer unit?
Yes. They will connect to thd meter side of the isolator. The rest is down to a competent electrician.
That may include you?
As long as they are not cutting the incoming cables short or there is any other reason to replace the entire length of these, I am comfortable putting these in on the house side of the new isolator switch.
Why would they be happy to remove these but not put them in and leave the house without electricity...
They cannot/will not go inside your consumer unit.
Theoretically they should disconnect the existing tails from the meter, fit the isolator and fit new meter tails from meter to switch.
It depends. Best to have done 25mm meter tails in your van just in case.

You will, of course, check polarity of the supply to the consumer unit before energising!!!
You will, of course, check polarity of the supply to the consumer unit before energising!!!
The consumer unit should be de-energised once EDF have finished but I will be testing this incase somethin has gone wrong with their cabling.
I will then test the switch and make sure that is dead on the house side and proceed to fit cables. Once complete, I will do a further round of testing to make sure the isolator is doing what it should.

Is that adequate?
If you get very lucky ( and have supplies of tea and choccy biscuits available ) and the tails are long enough then the EDF chap might pull the main fuse, cut the tails where the isolator will be fitted, the isolator ifs fixed in place and then the EDF chap. finishes his tea and puts the tails into the isolator nad puts the main fuse back in.
If you get very lucky ( and have supplies of tea and choccy biscuits available ) and the tails are long enough then the EDF chap might pull the main fuse, cut the tails where the isolator will be fitted, the isolator ifs fixed in place and then the EDF chap. finishes his tea and puts the tails into the isolator nad puts the main fuse back in.
The individuals do vary, and tea/biscuits can help. However, it's hard to see how they could (reasonably) justify not fitting the existing tails to the new isolator and then using whatever lengths of new cable are necessary to connect the isolator to the meter, isn't it?

Kind Regards, John
The individuals do vary, and tea/biscuits can help. However, it's hard to see how they could (reasonably) justify not fitting the existing tails to the new isolator and then using whatever lengths of new cable are necessary to connect the isolator to the meter, isn't it?

Kind Regards, John
I have been informed by EDF on 3 ocassions that they catagorically will not connect the load side of the isolator. 1 of those jobs has not been done, one they added 2 new shorttails between meter and isolator and connected existing tails in, paperwork hanging saying it required testing before switching on.
But the 3rd I was present and fitter intended cutting the tails near the CU, (even removed some cable fixings to get close) which would not have left enough to use. I told him those were not his property and he was not permitted to interfere with them. However he then stated everything after the meter is customers responsibility, at that point I cut the tails beside the meter leaving plenty for both halves to be terminated, he deliberately mounted the isolator in a position where the load side tails wouldn't reach and with the covers the wrong way round. While he was doing his paperwork, and much to his disgust, I removed his seal and moved it higher to a position where they easily reached.
I have been informed by EDF on 3 ocassions that they catagorically will not connect the load side of the isolator.
In response to that, I would probably ask them what they do about the tails (to CU) when (because they want/need to) they undertake a 'meter change'.

I've never experienced, nor heard of, a case in which they have 'changed the meter' and then left it unconnected to the existing tails going to the CU - and, other than in a highly ('silly') bureaucratic sense, cannot see any difference between connecting those tails to either the meter itself or an isolator!

Kind Regards, John
In response to that, I would probably ask them what they do about the tails (to CU) when (because they want/need to) they undertake a 'meter change'.

I've never experienced, nor heard of, a case in which they have 'changed the meter' and then left it unconnected to the existing tails going to the CU - and, other than in a highly ('silly') bureaucratic sense, cannot see any difference between connecting those tails to either the meter itself or an isolator!

Kind Regards, John
As I understand it the tails from the meter onwards are the responsibility of the customer, despite the fact the service providers insist on sealing the terminations. The reality is the service provider will very rarely supply them (IME) and, at times, they also seem to be reluctant to provide the bits between the meter and isolator.

Last month I had involvement with a change from 1ph to 3ph and provide 4P isolator (not EDF) from an existing 3ph head. At the outset I was told we would have to provide the isolator and additional tails. There was an existing Henley block which seemed like the best place for the isolator so the day before I unscrewed it and fitted isolator in its place and added 2 tails the same length as the existing to reach the meter

I wasn't there for the changeover, meter fitter arrived, changed meter, terminated all the existing and new tails, 4 after meter & 2 before. Then asked for the other 2 tails from head into meter, apparently he indicated to the job sheet showing something like 'customer to provide materials'. As it happens I'd left some offcuts there in a box but I thought it was a bit more than cheeky, however he unexpectantly remounted the Henley and added a couple of temporary tails to restore 1ph power to the building.
As I understand it the tails from the meter onwards are the responsibility of the customer, despite the fact the service providers insist on sealing the terminations.
I believe that is, indeed, the 'bureaucratic' situation but, as I said, it (fortunately!) does not seem to stop the suppliers (or their contracted 'meter operatives') from reconnecting those tails (which are "not their responsibility") to the meter when they undertake a 'meter change'.

... so, as I said, if they are happy to connect those tails (which are "not their responsibility") to a 'new meter' they have installed, why are they not also happy to connect them to a 'new isolator' which they have installed??

I suppose that, as with many things, it is not meant to make sense?!

Kind Regards, John

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