Unsure if this has been done before but cannot see recent threads.
In my opinon - 58 years old - MT prevented Britain from sliding down to the levels of the Congo and similar with her firm actions and laid the foundations for an economical revival.
i have to say that that at times I doubted her methods and means, such as sacking the miners, but when I thought about the cost of employing the miners versus the cost of not employing them I was (reluctantly) convinced and this was added to by by the E German collapse years later ( not directly relevant )
I really cannot understand how there are people who say that "Thatcher destroyed the UK/working classes etc " whatever.
If she had not been in power, tthen GB would now be a fifth-rate nation and the lowest on the ladder would be picking tins out of the rubbish on the streets which is not currently the case.
you forgot to mention that a few years down the line...
Building firms (aswell as others)are gone (you know the type that employ apprentices).
That a few more years into the future from 2010 you will not be employed directly through an employer (as such) but instead be classed as a part timer with no rights! where you will fill the pockets of agencies (people with the same mindset of thatcher and conmen).
Skills will be lost, Skills have already been lost.
Say bye bye to the UK manufacturing sector (stirdy economic structure) and say hello to the financial sector(risky business there) that the UK Will become in 50-100 years time when Europe and its leaders really get the ball rolling.
You might have the odd working class bloke twiddeling his thumbs somewhere, otherwise who will cut the money obsessed bloodsucking parasites grass and build there homes etc.
'Apperentley' these conservatives seem to have the idea that if you are not willing to undercut/backstab/betray/sell off even your closest friend then you are nothing but abit of shight on the side of the road.
Thatcher destroyed the UK by entering us in europe, we would of done fine without the 'greater' union and stuck at it as we did do in the past.
Strikes the merrier, we would have came up with a solution to benefit all but as the conservatives do, MONEY NOW!
Do you recall how the conmen actually quietened the unions, by saying that they can now buy there council houses at a discount price...(few months down the line) right lads if you do not work for even less! then you will be loosing your homes.
classic conservative(s) mind set.