Think that's fair, bolo. We've all had a fair crack at the whip.

Give us the width of the river, then we can all have closure & move on to Q2. ;)
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Think that's fair, bolo. We've all had a fair crack at the whip.

Give us the width of the river, then we can all have closure & move on to Q2. ;)

Just phoned my maths teacher friend and he, after about 2 minutes, phoned back and said that the river is 1600m wide. He did not say whether or not he was involved in this years maths challenge.
lv'e walted all week for thls answer, don't do thls to me, answer me one Q? was softus on the rlght track ? ( vlrtual £10 donatlon) :LOL:
If you're asking if I was right with my assertion that there was not enough information, then no.

If you're asking if I was right with my claim that holmslaw was wrong, then yes.

If you're asking if I was right with my answer of 1000m, then no.

If you're asking if I was right with my realisation that mikeyd was right, then yes.

Just looked at this and i am shocked and stunned ,with the amount of wrong answers to such a basic question.
You must be living in a bubble then, because most members of the public would get this wrong, and most most members of the forum, who expressed a preference, did get it wrong.

The ones who have got it right have used far too complicated equations for what is really a basic question
Then stand up and be judged yourself - post the succinct working that you imply you already have.
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Softas i am not here to educate you , That should have happened a long time ago when you attended school. The fact that you don`t have the mathematical ability of a 12 year old is something you will have to address.
Softas i am not here to educate you , That should have happened a long time ago when you attended school. The fact that you don`t have the mathematical ability of mathmatically gifted 12 year olds is something you will have to address.

I'm not taking your maths friends answer until he shows the wiorking out as i can't believe it would be so complicated a question for a twelve year old :D
That should have happened a long time ago when you attended school. The fact that you don`t have the mathematical ability of a 12 year old is something you will have to address.
Thanks, but it was addressed when I was about 8.

You must really be desperate to find fault if such a petty instance of human error is the best you can come up with.

I note that you haven't shown your simple solution yet. :D
I'm not taking your maths friends answer until he shows the wiorking out as i can't believe it would be so complicated a question for a twelve year old :D

Are you questioning Mr bolo's integrity West?


AFAIK quadratic equations are the pinnacle of GCSE maths. I doubt your average 12 year old has even heard of them.
Question 3
If you throw a baited fishing line in ,how long will it be before you get a bite and what is the percentage chance that Softas will swallow the whole hook line and sinker.
How far would you like me to back pedal ,would it be the full 1600m or just 650m till i met a slower cyclist coming in the opposite direction. ;)
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