It appears I have a stalkerHe forgot to review his own posts - apart from some obsession having a dig at me, there are a couple of useful posts in his history over the last month, and the rest are as follows (check his post profile yourselves if you like, I got bored after 5 minutes):Please stop spamming the forum with silly advice or I will remove you from it.
Did you forget to press the MOD button when you posted?..................
Its forces speak for very hotYou must be wrong, these boilers do not break down, ever.What does your installer say about this?Installed loads of both and I'm with the 100 gang. Much more robust.Don't hijack other peoples, posy your own you lazy get.....wot a nosherI'll give you a fiver, if you deliverThink tony is getting his age though I'm not suprisedWhy don't you do it?That's handy, manI'll mate with you in a minuteI'd have to catch him first though, in a benny hill style chase
Pearls of wisdom and useful advice for all? Not convinced
So it's nice to be criticised by someone with this track record of late