toffee said: only concern about sports club seting is that it isnt the best environment for relaxation?
Then, this is your 'selling point'. Sports Centres are actually terrible for promoting such things as relaxation, and despite contrary believe, exercise doesn't help to deal with stress, as it is stimulating the endorphins more (i.e. causing MORE stress = physical and mental).
So, get in there gal and teach them the benefits about a holistic approach to health and fitness
Show them where massage can fit in, in terms of interrupting the 'stress cycle'.
They can provide the 'stress' and damage to a persons body and mind, and you can provide the relaxation (which as you noted does NOT often happen in gyms - even the majority of their cool down exercises involve 'stretching' of muscles rather than what they really need = relaxation).
Ok, here is my negative comment:
My only concern about techniques such as massage are that they do not promote 'owndership' - i.e. person feels stressed so they go to someone else to sort it out for them (I am sure that someone will come back and say that the person has displayed ownership by deciding to go for a massage in the first place - but what I mean is that they have used a 3rd party to deal with a 'personal' perception). It is not a good long-term solution to use a 3rd party as the person really needs to take responsibility and control of their life and learn to cope/deal with their stress. However, if you can go down the route of the immediate (short-term)'therapeutic benefits' I would suggest this to be a better approach and better marketing strategy. Highlight how you are just one cog in the wheel of supporting a person in dealing with THEIR stress, rather than YOU are the person who will get rid of their stresses.
Hopefully I'm not waffling on too much, and you can understand what I mean