Freddie said:
Yeah but we arent stupid enough to put it on a forum
You are you sad lieing freak...Canon Forum members watching the forum..who are you trying to kid..get a life you silly mummy's boy...
Accept an apology when one is given instead of rabbiting on about nothing important in the scheme of life.
**** me Fantasy Freddie..your so pathetic that I actually feel sorry for you...I'd happily pay for your padded cell...
You are the worst hypocrite on this forum, you change your mind more times than a wh ore has cock, and you are simply so sad that you cannot get over a wind-up...hahahahahahahahaha
Now everyone...lets see Freddie's reply..not doubt it will be full of insult, inuendo and his usual rubbish....
This is so funny...better than the attempted wind-up...
Oh by the way..Walter Mitty was a fantasist..your simply accusing me of lieing about a camera..there is a clear difference here...I suspect that your more of a fantasist that anyone here...Walter..