Message to Freddie

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Freddie said:
‡ An ordinary person who dreams of leading a romantic life may be called a “Walter Mitty.” 2
That could count for the majority of the male population! ;)
Christmoz is coming...

Old GB has taken his last trip home. ..
A parent should never have to bury their child as his dad has.
Count your blessings ... Time for good cheer to all.

Freddie said:
Yeah but we arent stupid enough to put it on a forum

You are you sad lieing freak...Canon Forum members watching the forum..who are you trying to kid..get a life you silly mummy's boy...

Accept an apology when one is given instead of rabbiting on about nothing important in the scheme of life.

**** me Fantasy Freddie..your so pathetic that I actually feel sorry for you...I'd happily pay for your padded cell...

You are the worst hypocrite on this forum, you change your mind more times than a wh ore has cock, and you are simply so sad that you cannot get over a wind-up...hahahahahahahahaha :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Now everyone...lets see Freddie's reply..not doubt it will be full of insult, inuendo and his usual rubbish....

This is so funny...better than the attempted wind-up... :LOL: :LOL:

Oh by the way..Walter Mitty was a fantasist..your simply accusing me of lieing about a camera..there is a clear difference here...I suspect that your more of a fantasist that anyone here...Walter..
you do all realise that with a combination of freddie and big sparks argument and the rest of us being nearly as childish this could turn into the longest running thread ever, cos those two certainly arent going to stop :LOL:
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