Michael Jackson Dead

In the states a lot of cases are settled out of court in this way. It can be a lot cheaper financially and emotionally.

If I was an innocent man accused of something, the last thing I'd want to do is settle out of court. Even if I was the richest man in the world and could easily afford it, I'd want to try and have my name cleared properly. That can only be done in court, circumnavigating that process using money can only make things look worse, so if jacko was innocent he had himself to blame for all the pointing fingers and wagging tongues.
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But it was not Jackson who decided to pay the money, it was his insurance company and lawyers against Jackson’s own plea to go to court to clear his name, because they thought he could not handle the trial process at that time.

Jordan Chandler was not the one who decided to accept the money, it was his father who accepted the money. As a matter of fact, Evan Chandler was the one who perpetrated the whole entire thing. He wanted either a damn screenwriting contract or millions.

If this man was any kind of a man, if MJ molested this child why would he ask for money or screenwriting contract?
What a real man would do is beat his butt not accept money.
The belief Jackson ‘bought his way out of jail’ has no weight yet everyone uses that as their blind justification to lay guilt at MJ's doorstep.
Like Michael Jackson, I enjoy the company of children and sometimes I prefer their liveliness and carefree attitude towards life that my teaching colleagues don't have. I have no sexual desires within these encounters with children. I had a normal childhood and was able to enjoy childhood things. Jackson was prevented from doing this due to the nature of his parents and the business he was in.

His preferring the company of children, at times, over those of adults around him, in this context did not make him a threat to them. He had a cloistered life and I have no doubt that it came as a shock to him to find himself in a position of being referred to as a paedophile, when all he was doing was engaging in innocent childhood fun that had been missing from his life.

He had 2 wives and three children. If you believe that this was some clever and contrived method designed by him to hide a darker and dangerous side to him, then I pity you in your cynicism. Several times on these this forum, reference is made to a happier and more trusting age. Your deep untrusting of the occasional fellow human being, with no substantiated evidence, is indeed a sad inditement of the collapse of the happier and freer times that you claim to pine for.

do you honestly think those kids are his????

bearing in mind he is a black man????
He had a skin disorder! Plus the mother of 2 of the children is white (the third child's mother is unknown I believe).

Anyway, enough frivolity - he was not exactly a full shilling, but I still don't believe he was a threat to children in the way it's been claimed.

would that be the same skin disorder his wacko sisters have too???
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Farah Fawcett Majors ...........Not much of a mention......
Fantastic 70's, 80's Beauty... A young (and old) mans fantasy woman....
Incidently, she had a lot in common with jackson............

About 3 hours i'm told......

RIP ...Farah....

there was a fifference between farrah faucet and michael jackson

she sh agg ed majors while jacko sh agg ed minors
Well thank fek i was never the kid of some on here, the situations you must think is acceptable to put kids into is feking scary.
The guy was a kiddy fiddler pure and simple, why do yous deny it is it too close to home.
Take offense all you want get a grip FFS or where you just glad of the sweeties :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

where you molested as a child, fek
No what i got as a kid was common sense and intuition.
So obviously newgas you find nothing wrong with allowing a kid to sleep in the same bed as someone who had already been accused of sexual abuse on kids ,
Did you ask for the whole tube of smarties or you just happy with one at a time
They`ll re do a musical about him Allegedly. (kiddy) Fiddler on the roof. Opening song , I`m forever blowing Bubbles. :eek:
smarties???? whats with you and the dislike for chocolate,

i get what you mean and it is wrong for any adult other than immidiate familly to have have that kind of closness,

what about the parents giving permission?

what about the law finding him not guilty?

they who make the law should at least have some rule about this so it has some accountability, not just say not guilty because some lawyer has made a good argument.

i,m just saying in this case i think MJ was past any physical needs as such

but his "freindship" was too close for comfort i totally agree.

so just have some fudge and think about that for a wee while bonny ass :D
I agree regards parents giving permission how do you account for people being blinded by stardom to put there kids into that position , Bit like it was perfectly acceptable for a rolling stone to sleep with a 14 year old and not a great deal said in the papers
blinded by stardem or greed or need for money, it's what happens and there shoud be accountability to be fair on the weak ones whoever they may be.

as for the rolling stones, we're talking different rules for different people,

different class's different culture's different belief's.

if you were an eskimo/inuit you'd ask me humbly to "laugh with you're wife and i would have to oblige. :D

to some culture's the age limit is a little lower than here legally, but then how many early teens are having s£x nowadays illegally.

the blame for me lies heavilly with the rulemaker's who don't really give a fudge cake :evil:

i would die rather than see my child with someone, but some people see their kids as an investment so a payout seems acceptable.
The guy is now dead so this is all pointless speculation.
Only two people really know what happened.
Yes and they'll be getting offers for there story as we speak.
If the guy as the end of your street claimed he never had a childhood thats why he's got kids in his house ,would we believe him?
Whilst it can be speculated that having mountains of cash got him off the hook, it's just as likely that it's the reason he was put on the hook in the first place. Sure he spent millions clearing his name. A top legal team doesn't come cheap in the USA, he was hardly going to apply for legal aid was he?

Paying someone off isn't uncommon in the US, if you are rich enough to be able to avoid the stress of a trial and 'time off work' then you will take that route. The parents were in negotiations for the final settlement, and I sem to recall a news story a few years later where the Chandler kid was complaining that his parents were spending all his money for him.

I don't have kids so can't put myself into the mindset of a parent but no I probably wouldn't let my kids sleepover with him. The accusation alone is enough to tarnish, and make a parent think twice, 'just in case'

More to the point I wouldn't let my kids have a sleepover at Jacko's because I'd like to think that I would be a good enough parent to give them all of my available spare time, and not farm them off to someone else.

So the only reason to label MJ a paedo, is a pair of unfounded, unproved accusations from 2 separate parties, both of which can easily be said that money was the main motivation. The rest is just your cynical minds 'filling in the gaps'
and I sem to recall a news story a few years later where the Chandler kid was complaining that his parents were spending all his money for him.
You know what, I think you're right I remember that and the interview with Jordan the day after the news of the sleepover broke when questioned he said the whole affair had left him feeling sore and with a bad taste in his mouth
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