Like Michael Jackson, I enjoy the company of children and sometimes I prefer their liveliness and carefree attitude towards life that my teaching colleagues don't have. I have no sexual desires within these encounters with children. I had a normal childhood and was able to enjoy childhood things. Jackson was prevented from doing this due to the nature of his parents and the business he was in.
His preferring the company of children, at times, over those of adults around him, in this context did not make him a threat to them. He had a cloistered life and I have no doubt that it came as a shock to him to find himself in a position of being referred to as a paedophile, when all he was doing was engaging in innocent childhood fun that had been missing from his life.
He had 2 wives and three children. If you believe that this was some clever and contrived method designed by him to hide a darker and dangerous side to him, then I pity you in your cynicism. Several times on these this forum, reference is made to a happier and more trusting age. Your deep untrusting of the occasional fellow human being, with no substantiated evidence, is indeed a sad inditement of the collapse of the happier and freer times that you claim to pine for.