We are all under mind control made to think you have a freedom off speech but this is untrue do you call the 1 mile fenced off area from the g8 freedom of speech. such as slogger when the truth hurts they will hide it the media, the papers , forums.we are sheep told what to do
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change it ok at least on this forum we have to show some courage to say what has to be said
Slogger at the end of the day there is no freedom of speech bow to your masters.
remember you are only a sheep.
well your probably right i was under the impression we could talk on any subject in great britain but now it seems we are not allowed any free speech at all

weird isnt it how my rights to talk are taken away yet some are helped no end

sigh wake up its time to take a stand sigh
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Actually, you have no rights to free speech on this forum. This is a privately-owned forum, part of a privately-owned website. What is published here is at the discretion of the site owners.

They have a set of rules on acceptable posting. Most of us have fallen foul of these rules at some time or other, I once had a post on a fox-hunting thread edited because I included a graphic photograph of a dead fox. I put it on, thinking it would be quite likely to be edited, I was pushing the boundary a bit. It's a "family-friendly" site, people don't expect that kind of stuff on a DIY site.

However, I find it hard to believe that you HONESTLY think it is acceptable to start half a dozen threads about why you hate muslims. I find it even harder to believe that you think these threads should stay open! I'm all in favour of free speech, but you need to find yourself a suitable medium.

Have you considered Speakers' Corner? I'm serious, if you want to be able to spout off at an audience about anything you want to, head to the north-eastern corner of Hyde Park on a Sunday morning and just start talking. It is only across the road from one end of Edgware Road, and I warn you that there is a rather sizable muslim community on Edgware Road, but if you really have conviction in your ideas, THAT is the place to prove it.

But beforehand, I ask that you take a stroll up Edgware Road and eat at one of the many fine Arabic restaurants, or have a haircut at one of the absolutely rubbish barbers (seriously, don't go there!), and meet some of these people you seem to believe are the devil's own. You might just decide not to go ahead with your speech. But if you do, at least you will have experience on your side.
AdamW said:
Actually, you have no rights to free speech on this forum. This is a privately-owned forum, part of a privately-owned website. What is published here is at the discretion of the site owners.

They have a set of rules on acceptable posting. Most of us have fallen foul of these rules at some time or other, I once had a post on a fox-hunting thread edited because I included a graphic photograph of a dead fox. I put it on, thinking it would be quite likely to be edited, I was pushing the boundary a bit. It's a "family-friendly" site, people don't expect that kind of stuff on a DIY site.

However, I find it hard to believe that you HONESTLY think it is acceptable to start half a dozen threads about why you hate muslims. I find it even harder to believe that you think these threads should stay open! I'm all in favour of free speech, but you need to find yourself a suitable medium.

Have you considered Speakers' Corner? I'm serious, if you want to be able to spout off at an audience about anything you want to, head to the north-eastern corner of Hyde Park on a Sunday morning and just start talking. It is only across the road from one end of Edgware Road, and I warn you that there is a rather sizable muslim community on Edgware Road, but if you really have conviction in your ideas, THAT is the place to prove it.

But beforehand, I ask that you take a stroll up Edgware Road and eat at one of the many fine Arabic restaurants, or have a haircut at one of the absolutely rubbish barbers (seriously, don't go there!), and meet some of these people you seem to believe are the devil's own. You might just decide not to go ahead with your speech. But if you do, at least you will have experience on your side.

Actually, you have no rights to free speech on this forum. This is a privately-owned forum, part of a privately-owned website.
B.O.B. Thats what i am trying to say to slogger.....

I once had a post on a fox-hunting thread edited because I included a graphic photograph of a dead fox. I put it on, thinking it would be quite likely to be edited,
B.O.B So why did you do it if you no the rules you was giving your opinon
and so was slogger.

It's a "family-friendly" site, people don't expect that kind of stuff on a DIY site.
B.O.B So you think sending in pics of dead fox,s is a family - friendly diy site you have a twisted brain my freind

I find it even harder to believe that you think these threads should stay open! I'm all in favour of free speech, but you need to find yourself a suitable medium.
B.O.B Yea we should, you think keeping your threads open with fox,s heads ripped off with pics .... and for the rest of the dribble your going on about
i would rather talk to slogger.
b.o.b. why so much hostility to adamw? in his post, he's explained that he now realises it was a mistake to post the picture. are you pro-hunting, hence your anger toward him??

incidentally, i would have posted the link to the picture, with a maybe a brief warning.
A forum is a place where people come and discuss things, whatever they are about is down to the rules and/or the owners of the forum website.

It is true that Slogger seemed upset and went overboard with some of the things he said, but when he had calmed down he did put a lot of valid points forward even though some may say he leaned towards a right wing view. What was equally as bad as Sloggers far out claims was the campaign by certain people to try and deem him as an idiot and when he did put some truthfull points forward they still tried to ridicule him and claim he is a racist, by this time i think we had had enough of the subject matter anyway.

But my point is there are those who try to use the forum in away which is just as bad as those who make offensive remarks and those people are just as guilty at destroying the good nature of the forum but never get moderated
securespark said:
We can do without personal insults. If you can't get your point across without resorting to insults, then it's a pretty poor show.


then again there is always item 8

Leave poor Bob alone, he can't help it!
User56565, that is exactly the point I was making :D

in your case petewood a t****r without a brain

How fortunate that his meduse-like nervous system is capable of producing coherent arguments then... fetch me my infinite monkeys and infinte typewriters!

So one thing left to say:


Wait, that's a cow, isn't it?
actually them barrel of monkeys just left something , they have just written a world breaking classic of teen angst /love/rejection/sorrow an combined ever lasting love through diversated(sp sorry them monkeys left earlier hmm..)too endless true love ...!!!!

they have published here ......


Oh dear a MOD has sent it too another section an it was lost in the ether..

maybe one has copied it to his pda
alas maybe them monkeys have memories to repeat a Shakespearean Script ..lol
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