Missing tag/seal on main fuse


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stem said:
stevesey said:
Spoke to an MEB fitter a few years back and he said they didn't pay much attention to fuse seals, however meter seals (and therefore potential meter tamplering) might lead to questions being asked.

Chri5 said:
No problem with the seal going for the fuse, an eyebrow or two would be raised if it was the seal between meter and supply head, for the obvious reason.

Don't understand that, You could remove the service fuse, connect new tails from it straight to the consumer unit & hey presto free electricity and the meter seal is still in tact. (BTW I don't advocate or condone this procedure)

Agreed - thought that when posting. However this would be difficult to hide from a meter reader or anyone else looking at the installation. Whereas if you have had access to the internals of the meter you could done some less obvious stuff.
I had a guy in to read the meter a couple of weeks ago.

I had another guy in to "read the meter" yesterday, he did no such thing though.

He swished a wand at my tails, fuse and meter, pronounced he was happy then sauntered out.

Orac said:
...He swished a wand at my tails...

Harry Potter :LOL:

BTW, did you know Hermione is a natural blonde? I've seen her Golden Snitch.
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