MMR vacine

Any parent that didn't at least Pause for thought before giving their kids the MMR vaccine would be unnatural. I have two boys who have both had the jab and thankfully both were fine.

I was lucky as I have people I know that work for the company that produce the vaccine that I could go to for information. They are more than anyone else looking for evidence either way that the vaccine is safe. The long term studies that have been performed are never reported in the tabloids as these don't sell papers, but in my mind at least gave me the reassurance I needed.

Thanks to idiots like Wakefield the confidence in the MMR vaccine has diminished and the instances of the diseases has risen. We are now in a position where there is fear of the vaccine and not the diseases they protect against. The diseases, particularly Measles are nasty and can be killers or leave the kid with serious after affects.

Can I say for sure that the vaccine is not 100% responsible for autism, No. Can I say that we're it not for the vaccine a few of our kids might not be here today, Yes.

As to the HPV vaccine. The government went with An inferior vaccine as it was cheap, despite the advice from all their medical experts. Thank god they have now changed to Gardasil. As to only 5 years protection, as I understand it they believe it will give life long immunity but without the results of ongoing studies can't say for sure. These studies will be completed before the 5years is up for the girls that 1st received it.
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